Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Bexley Boys league scores

League Champion Gold Cup 2018

HAAS-ta la vista, baby

Owner: Richard Turek
Final score: 1340pts  Score Breakdown

League Champion Silver Cup 2018

Bygone Brands Hatch

Owner: Steve H
Final score: 1259pts  Score Breakdown

League Champion Bronze Cup 2018


Owner: abdi
Final score: 1243pts  Score Breakdown

League Flat Tyre Champion 2018

  • Description: Colleagues past and present
  • No. of teams: A maximum of 3 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
  • Allowed team types: Want to win
  • League cups are awarded to players in this league.
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st HAAS-ta la vista, baby Richard Turek 1340
2nd Bygone Brands Hatch Steve H 1259
3rd Abdi-Merc-1 abdi 1243
4th Toro, Martini Rosso por favor! Richard Turek 1188
5th Mercedes Again! SpearheadF1 1176
6th Abdi-F1 team2 abdi 1176
7th Turekbashers mark 1145
8th readitandweepturek mark 1119
9th Bygone Palmer Steve H 1105
10th Bexley Challenge RT Richard Turek 1094
11th Bexley Challenge SCH Steve H 1091
12th Abdi Bexley challenge abdi 1040
13th Bexley Challenge SB SpearheadF1 973
14th Red Bull all the way SpearheadF1 833