Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2002 Japanese Grand Prix league race scores

The World league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Tk tk989 38
2nd Jaguar Senna Senna 35
3rd witblizfive Lee 35
4th Rover 25 F1 sid 34
5th parson snows parsonsnows 34
6th MS:JPM:2002 schueyrulz 34
7th BEstly's LeadHeads Beastly 34
8th Gordon G GordonG 34
9th whizzkids2 whizzkids 34
10th Red White & Blue Miggl 34
11th karen's devils3 kazrozuk 34
12th the red devils3 kazrozuk 34
13th witblits II Lee 34
14th Unlike Mr Coulthard we can win jubileejim 34
15th Healys speedsters davidhealy 34
16th Mr Dasterdly & Muttly Guest 34
17th Madarchaud Adarsh 34
18th Front Runners? mel 34
19th Big Bird's Big Boys BigBird 34
20th Tinky1 Tinks 34
21st Munch 3 Michael Cullen 34
22nd Munch 4 Michael Cullen 34
23rd FF1GP 2002 Sandra 34
24th spudgfsh Phil Huish 33
25th Witblitz Lee 33
26th rusties rubenbc 31
27th red dragons jordone81 31
28th Smeg Smeg 30
29th Gamble on a long strawberry Gamble1 30
30th YellowCab wuuhoo 30
31st Oman Racing KuttsRacing 30
32nd walauwee wuuhoo 30
33rd maranello 1 maranello1 30
34th British Alcoholic Racing (BAR) eeyoresmiles 30
35th reedy robinsongunner 30
36th The Wicked Tribe Squirrel 30
37th DevizesRudeBoyz Neutronumusprime 30
38th ??? Seb 30
39th Stall Larsson StallLarsson 30
40th The flying german guyzer 30
41st Vrum Vrum Beep Beep!! nickyod 30
42nd Giulietta Sprint Chiara Zalum 30
43rd club 79 lelesprint 30
44th Irishman McManus 30
45th broom indi 30
46th HOPF1 Paul Hopkins 30
47th Team Luberama Luberama 30
48th Headless Chickens II Shunt 30
49th The Firm thefirm 30
50th Tony's top team Tony 30
51st Gear up jizz 30
52nd Lurchforth Paulusis 30
53rd Team GAP TeamGAP 30
54th Library Fast Kernewek 30
55th Team Spectre Spectre 30
56th Milkfloat United yoki 30
57th Cellfarm derek64 30
58th DHR F1 DHRF1 30
59th Solid_Sauber Guest 30
60th kazs babys kazroz 30
61st maranello 2 maranello1 30
62nd blackshire PaulFinch182 30
63rd Jims Revenge JamesDane 30
64th sick as a parrot Guest 30
65th WJL F1 2002 willjl 30
66th Team Boobs alexgumba 29
67th Needsy's Racers 4 jamieneeds 29
68th Good From Behind Prit 29
69th F1 All Stars Gavin 29
70th Birstall Racing steve 29
71st B52 OWEN 29
72nd karen's devils kazrozuk 29
73rd xanthein xanthein 29
74th kamakazi willng 29
75th boxall racing boxallracing 29
76th Pit Babes McManus 29
77th Buzzing Hornets IrishHornets 29
78th clueless wonders james corran 29
79th Chicanery and Skidmarks murphyc 29
80th I Hate Barnes Richard Penhale 29
81st Lucifer-rari Guest 29
82nd whizzkids1 whizzkids 29
83rd whiaakids5 whizzkids 29
84th JCH SPORT Jean 29
85th Juan, 2, 3, GO! Guest 29
86th Volkswagen A Undergroundnigga 29
87th Eddie's Irvines eddie 29
88th Raxelator matt 29
89th Munch 1 Michael Cullen 29
90th Team tulip alexgumba 29
91st TRILGRAS flyers OWEN 28
92nd Tractor boys Rick Jaggard 26
93rd QUINN F1 QUINNF1 26
94th plums are us hoji 26
95th B Lee 26
96th ruben bc rubenbc 26
97th LATE START HighOctane 26
98th ArtchTraitor Racing blackjim 25
99th Best From Behind Prit 25
100th Eric Racing Graham Edwins 25
101st Team Group Telecom 2002 Guest 25
102nd Alesis's Magic Donuts Guest 25
103rd Suffolk Sprinters leodienasty 25
104th tammy'sdevils tazrozuk 25
105th nathans boys nate2 25
106th Panoz Team PanozTeam 25
107th ArturoMerzario PanozTeam 25
108th Zanardi Forever PanozTeam 25
109th Calamity Pitstop c_davis 25
110th Lorenzo Lorenzo 25
111st Team Corsa Girls sid 25
112nd TrowbridgeRudeBoyz Neutronumusprime 25
113rd MelkshamRudeBoyz Neutronumusprime 25
114th ChippenhamRudeBoyz Neutronumusprime 25
115th Pologruto Pologruto 25
116th Vrum Vrum Beep Beep!! 2 nickyod 25
117th KJ ONE FeedtheGoat 25
118th Team Littlevil Littlevil 25
119th Rolling Thunder wmcjd06 25
120th Newcomers 2002 Giuseppe Zalum 25
121st Cool team fleeks OlchfaBoozers 25
122nd Team Flay OlchfaBoozers 25
123rd Murray stormers OlchfaBoozers 25
124th Ferrari F40 Ferrari355 25
125th Rochester Racing Desperados Dom 25
126th geezumacher Geezer 25
127th LotusLegends WillySwerve 25
128th Triple R's (Roger Ramjet Racers) bender 25
129th Boiler Posse Steve 25
130th Z Guest 25
131st F.V. Loyal VinnieGarr 25
132nd Hop On Baby 109 25
133rd boy racers goose 25
134th Dyslexic TUD Nin Wicks 25
135th go baby gogo goose 25
136th BlingBling tonylis 25
137th Drunken Legends Mark Robertson 25
138th JImbos Racing jubileejim 25
139th I can go faster backwards LoRez 25
140th bebo & le gattacce Bebo 25
141st Dawg Sprinters Mack1Dawg 25
142nd Racing Piggies helens 25
143rd Dixons dragons Joanna 25
144th Rich's Rockets Joanna 25
145th PiLchards VinnieGarr 25
146th pitstop kings pitstopkings 25
147th flower flower 25
148th Mick's Winners Michael 25
149th The Tomb Raiders! Michael 25
150th Proogs hasn't a clue team 2002 proogs 25
151st Lads at the back Steve 25
152nd Stop jizz 25
153rd Parscelona chef1885 25
154th MorF1 Morph 25
155th Cat In A Hat GoDogGo 25
156th Pikachu Racing Vegeta 25
157th whizzkids3 whizzkids 25
158th Rusholme White Rastas Duncan Morton 25
159th joeys racers joeborza 25
160th Rapunzel's Harem allie 25
161st Librarians Kernewek 25
162nd XL Corporation Malc 25
163rd Schumi Express juanveron4 25
164th Go! Go! Go! Mohamed 25
165th Bago! Mohamed 25
166th Simca F1 longpigs 25
167th kamalahasan76 kamalahasan76 25
168th vesuvius_ice vesuvius_ice 25
169th Staley Vegas Edmundo 25
170th Speedy Gonzalez lmh99 25
171st Speed Neil Whitehouse 25
172nd Tinky2 Tinks 25
173rd Tinky4 Tinks 25
174th Rodneys Plonkers Rodders 25
175th Manc Madness pdotie 25
176th Team Johnsey RagingBulls 25
177th Vesuvius_Of DarkNess vesuvius_ice 25
178th IseNGarD Of DarkNess vesuvius_ice 25
179th Vesuvius ice vesuvius_ice 25
180th MiRiCale vesuvius_ice 25
181st DarK HorsE vesuvius_ice 25
182nd Nothing_Else_Matters leo_austin 25
183rd Monza Gorilla MonzaGorilla 25
184th D Lee 25
185th Needsy's Jets jamieneeds 25
186th yasam3081 yasam3081 25
187th ferrari rules kazrozuk 25
188th something with cheese kane 24
189th Sleigh Ride sAnTa 24
190th Pantasss wuuhoo 24
191st Pologruto3 Pologruto 24
192nd MS:HHF:2002 schueyrulz 24
193rd Hodge Racing Andy Hodge 24
194th The Irish Paddy's McManus 24
195th shumassa parsonsnows 24
196th Rubber Layers 1 grahamm 24
197th whizzkids5 whizzkids 24
198th Tracey's team Guest 24
199th Welsh Warriors WelshWarriors 24
200th Welsh racers WelshWarriors 24
201st Red! Miggl 24
202nd Ambrosia Express Kernewek 24
203rd JordyCougars Frankoval 24
204th Pai F1 PaiF1 24
205th redrock kazroz 24
206th tazy2hottie kazroz 24
207th Cosworth Racing wolke6791 24
208th Loosers jules766 23
209th Moo Sucks Guest 23
210th bluerhino1 bluerhino 23
211st grr mobiles stop!!! j_measey 23
212nd I Want To Win Nin Wicks 23
213rd no hopers pitstopkings 23
214th bong indi 23
215th Top Drivemaster Job Guest 23
216th mopoke mopoke 21
217th BMW-Sauber goose 21
218th Brickyard Bangers pjs_formula1 21
219th ben1 Ben Macrow 21
220th Neo Supercars Neo007 21
221st The Hobbits ImpYCelyn 21
222nd Bramley's Hot Rods Pete (Brammers) 20
223rd Wibble-Puppy Guest 20
224th Delboy's Devils dellboy 20
225th Team Gumba alexgumba 20
226th Broom, boink. Alex Charrett 20
227th Sunshine&lollipops 109 20
228th Needsy's Racers jamieneeds 20
229th Flat Eric Racers Graham Edwins 20
230th Gamble to win Gamble1 20
231st Smashers jules766 20
232nd birdes birdhillbabe 20
233rd Police House Special Guest 20
234th Ambrosia Speed Guest 20
235th Ali's Ali 20
236th haze racers OWEN 20
237th unixbeardies penfold 20
238th Rolfes-Revenge Rolfes_Revenge 20
239th needGas wuuhoo 20
240th Petrol Heads Guest 20
241st grrrrr mobiles go! j_measey 20
242nd CANDIO Racing Paolo Brenna 20
243rd Faccia di terrone GP Paolo Brenna 20
244th The Pyros Miko 20
245th Coul Runnings Scrozzer 20
246th Olchfa Boozers OlchfaBoozers 20
247th Mr Meeks Millionaires OlchfaBoozers 20
248th Team Me Nin Wicks 20
249th JD Racing JamesDane 20
250th Joes Flaps Chill 20
251st Team Johnsy johnsy 20
252nd Grease Monkeys Dee 20
253rd Puppy Stealers Puppy Stealer 20
254th Furry Ferrets FerretBoy 20
255th thribbling hot thribble 20
256th SpeedF1 Sazzad Karim 20
257th Bently playwoody 20
258th we're all from the punani pitstopkings 20
259th The Firm 2 thefirm 20
260th The Firm 3 thefirm 20
261st TJR 1st Team truhrmund 20
262nd Fox In Socks GoDogGo 20
263rd Molby's Mauraders Molby 20
264th James' Joy Riders JimbotheGiant 20
265th Welsh Dragons WelshWarriors 20
266th Electric Funeral Karra 20
267th Rusty Chevy Simon Lumley 20
268th Kernewek Kernewek 20
269th Steel-Rats Tom Stainer 20
270th Team Stubbs vicky 20
271st Skunkkars yoki 20
272nd Stone_Racing_Team bzfkrf 20
273rd tipp top moters lonf1 20
274th the guys Seb 20
275th Team Peta Steven Gordon 20
276th eDu edu 20
277th Twiggy twiggyiscool 20
278th ftw-f1 mariusvisser 20
279th Tels Screamers TelsScreamers 20
280th Tasman u00mem9 20
281st Tinky3 Tinks 20
282nd F! WebCorgi webcorgi 20
283rd WebCorgi webcorgi 20
284th retired racers 2 Bob Cullen 20
285th DR Enterprises Dave Routledge 20
286th team kev rebelrusty 20
287th Prodigy Dave Routledge 20
288th Psycho Jordan Jordan Thomas 20
289th Supra tekabor 20
290th marksdreamteam mark christie 20
291st Spudulika spudulika 20
292nd silver dream machine Guest 20
293rd Team Greenway Doug 20
294th TheBests remmcbest 20
295th antos flyers akiely 19
296th Big Cat Cattfish05 19
297th Needsy's Racers 2 jamieneeds 19
298th Moo Rules Guest 19
299th Custard & Rice Guest 19
300th reAnimate reAnimate 19
301st Kutts Racing KuttsRacing 19
302nd The Vindicators TheVindicators 19
303rd Pologruto2 Pologruto 19
304th Olchfa Rejects by Buzz OlchfaBoozers 19
305th htfn htfn 19
306th Wacky Racers Guest 19
307th Doodle Bugs Shakey 19
308th Walker F1 Guest 19
309th Irish speed irishspeed 19
310th Gray Octane HighOctane 19
311st Motor Peas helens 19
312nd leodienasty 19
313rd Scooby Snacks ScoobySnacks 19
314th Pegs Gems 2 peglion 19
315th U turn jizz 19
316th Tim & Tina Racing Tim_Tina_Racing 19
317th dbr racing paulhowarth 19
318th F1 Power kpower 19
319th Team Dogs bong leodienasty 19
320th Lanstephan Kernewek 19
321st Pit Crews'in Guest 19
322nd popo_rosales popo_rosales 19
323rd witblitzthree Lee 19
324th diace Paul Davy 19
325th ADA Racing RobRace 19
326th witblitzfier Lee 19
327th Rue Morgue Racers dupin 19
328th Tinky101 Tinks 19
329th Munch 2 Michael Cullen 19
330th Zannah's zippy zappers zannah 19
331st webmaniacs webbym 19
332nd Needsy's Racers 3 jamieneeds 18
333rd Gamble to lose Gamble1 18
334th Formula 1 Reefer Guest 18
335th white widow OWEN 18
336th Z losers Guest 18
337th cheapskates goose 18
338th Team Lamboghini playwoody 18
339th mower power roundthebend 18
340th Goggo jizz 18
341st redtech saleh hashim 18
342nd No direction at all jubileejim 18
343rd Jim's Heroes JamesRichards 18
344th L1 Lee 18
345th L3 Lee 18
346th FooBarBazQuux Guest 18
347th benantom 2 benbrow 16
348th A4 POV A4POV 16
349th dizzy racers sammyjo 16
350th Howard Sway Paulusis 16
351st snoogans jimmy 15
352nd Fuse F1 Ian Gregory 15
353rd Benantom 1 Tom Dudley 15
354th Crash N Smash jules766 15
355th Wipeout jules766 15
356th hot stuff Chris Shorter 15
357th hot stuff23 Chris Shorter 15
358th Dec's Devils Declan Flynn 15
359th Racing Khars Khendon 15
360th Bistall Bangers steve 15
362nd Baki Lorenzo 15
363rd eBizz eBisso 15
364th Throttle & Bottle wmcjd06 15
365th daddycool daddycool 15
366th AXE gash Roger 15
367th Mattfeetus Racing MattfeetusRacing 15
368th Mel's Hell Bent Flyers Mel 15
369th Go Faster Gimps! Guest 15
370th gt racing spong 15
371st Broy Harriers Paul Casey 15
372nd stivs stiv 15
373rd Anthill Mob Shakey 15
374th WAHA02 WAHA02 15
375th roundthebend roundthebend 15
376th I want to win! Chunder 15
377th hotwheels craig 15
378th Turbo Tomatoes turbotomato 15
379th jag bmw goose 15
380th Ketiak racing WAHA02 15
381st Bling Bling Shey 15
382nd JGA Cars Guest 15
383rd Apple Computer GioCa 15
384th The Magpies Ian O'Neil 15
385th Wiggles helens 15
386th Team Lotus playwoody 15
387th Muckian F1 Noel Muckian 15
388th schu's gonna beat ya pitstopkings 15
389th Monocoque Motors ggs 15
390th Best Bangers Michael 15
391st Proogs is clueless II-002 proogs 15
392nd Green Eggs & Ham GoDogGo 15
393rd ians brum brums jojo5 15
394th Rubber Layers 4 grahamm 15
395th Braumlen Frankoval 15
397th Hawkes Chris Glover 15
398th fctumi sjakal 15
399th Asta la Vista, Baby! leodienasty 15
400th barts boys barty 15
401st Polpot Racing Polpot 15
402nd Shy Tot Simon Lumley 15
403rd Lightning Mac 15
404th Spenser's joke! Spenser Aden 15
405th sohosal's sohosal 15
406th The New Order Estavez 15
407th Asskickers Ryan Britton 15
408th Asskickers2 BMXer 15
409th Lynx Frankoval 15
410th Middleton's Motorsports Motharius 15
411st witblitz *5* Lee 15
412nd mv-f1 mariusvisser 15
413rd Pen is, Mightier than the Sword derek64 15
414th Asskickers5 Ryan Britton 15
415th WITBLITZERS Lee 15
416th VeSuViuC_IcE vesuvius_ice 15
417th Sapphire Cosworth Deano 15
418th Team Snake SoildSnake 15
419th Team stoke SoildSnake 15
420th Team scorpion Teamscorpion 15
421st A Lee 15
422nd C Lee 15
423rd Plain Lazy Nin Wicks 15
424th The Proffessionals TheProfessionals 14
425th Bramley's Frozen Rods Pete (Brammers) 14
426th the others theothers 14
427th Spank my Monkey Gareth Lancaster 14
428th Spudgfsh II Phil Huish 14
429th Spudgfsh III Phil Huish 14
430th win2kbeardies penfold 14
431st Faulty Engine Vader 14
432nd Flying Gerbil Vader 14
433rd Corleone Cars Vitto Corleone 14
434th Gravex Michael Burke 14
435th Slim's Col 14
436th octarine's fab team octarine 14
437th VIPERS Bruce 14
438th Stephen Byers Racing Desperados Dom 14
439th this should be ok goose 14
440th rahhhhh goose 14
441st Paper Dragons Yumeko 14
442nd Teenage Dirtbags johnsy 14
443rd gardnose gardnose 14
444th Double Dutch Guest 14
445th Goin' No Where jubileejim 14
446th Felixstowe Shunters nightman 14
447th Born-To-Lose Guest 14
448th Hunter A Simon Lumley 14
449th RotatingMonkeys Malc 14
450th Mistry Men Prit 14
451st ben Ben Macrow 14
452nd Team Fubar Joker_83 14
453rd Merlin Frankoval 14
454th Asskickers 3 Ryan Britton 14
455th Formula Granny Gray Guest 14
456th The Flyin Fish Fluffers theflyinfish 14
457th Bowelfish derek64 14
458th Fisco fisichella 14
459th Fruitbat Racing xanthein 13
460th Raging Doves Yumeko 13
461st blazzing_bombs jizz 13
462nd Hans Stuck Fun Club PanozTeam 11
463rd smellykelly robinsongunner 11
465th Formula Two Dummies Darth Turbo 11
466th Rotten rollers peglion 11
467th Team PAT TeamGAP 11
468th Asskickers 4 BMXer 11
469th National Express GP Gareth Lancaster 10
470th bluerhino bluerhino 10
471st Matera Lorenzo 10
472nd pires robinsongunner 10
473rd Wrnech & Socket wmcjd06 10
474th Team Eccoss TeamEccoss 10
475th Run + Hide Guest 10
476th And there goes Nigel Mansell !! Guest 10
477th Nemesis Nemesis 10
478th I . R . A McManus 10
479th Pegs Gems peglion 10
480th Team Skippy Racing Gareth Jones 10
481st if in doubt - flat out goose 10
482nd Don Fiduzo's Wonder team DonFiduzo 10
483rd Chazza's Champions CharlesRoberts 10
484th Spence ds20111 10
485th Shelbyville Racers Shelby 10
486th Krazy Krazy 10
487th Mr Brown Can Moo GoDogGo 10
488th Rubber Layers 3 grahamm 10
489th strawberry HEAPS JAMES 10
490th caitlins cars Caitlin 10
491st Druts Drivers drut 10
492nd Slayer F1 HellAwaits 10
493rd F1 Dougs Paul Davy 10
494th F1 Dougs 2 Paul Davy 10
495th Raxelator 2 matt 10
496th Team Chris chris stubbs 10
497th retired racers 3 Bob Cullen 10
498th High Speed HighOctane 10
499th E Lee 10
500th AC Racing javier 10
501st AC F1 javier 10
502nd Cath's Capers Return cath 10
503rd Team Honda works Guest 10
504th Chevette drivers jimmy 9
505th RhysDF1 RhysDF1 9
506th boo! wuuhoo 9
507th Rodney's Rockets Shakey 9
508th Lapped 5 Times turbotomato 9
509th Couldn't drive a nail in to wood jubileejim 9
510th Team Ford playwoody 9
511st Retired Racers Bob Cullen 9
512nd The Firm Laggers thefirm 9
513rd Proogs'll win knowing my luck proogs 9
514th Rubber Layers 2 grahamm 9
515th Kaputt Miggl 9
516th Sunnydale Scooters Malc 9
517th estron-xxx mariusvisser 9
518th retired racers 4 Bob Cullen 8
519th Big Dog Racing Gareth Lancaster 5
520th Birstall Reserves steve 5
521st Alkachill Racing KuttsRacing 5
522nd Fischio Team Paolo Brenna 5
523rd The Flying Finns arajhans 5
524th Spacer's Superstars Superstar 5
525th Raging Bulls RagingBulls 5
526th The Firm 4 thefirm 5
527th Rocky Raccoons Duncan Morton 5
528th Duped tekabor 5
529th Looooooooooosers zannah 5
530th L2 Lee 5
531st blast off MatchstickMan 5
532nd Champagne Charlie’s Michael 4
533rd Hunter B Simon Lumley 0