Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2009 Emirati Grand Prix league race scores

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Want to lose league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Wide Area Network K.E.R.S Desperados Dom 46
2nd F13LAW Lozlaw 31
3rd No Traction Robin Lee 30
4th Skeccys Losers mclarenf1 30
5th holding back bubblebut 29
6th Balassagyarmat Kornel 28
7th graveltraplovers roundtyresracing 27
8th Ivor Wheeloff TYREDOUT999 26
9th Team (L)Users Johnsey 26
10th Boots BigSy 26
11th i'm so upset pete 26
12th Looooooooosers GPRacing 26
13th Rabid Racers AlanR 25
14th Iron Bru open 25
15th Mc renault Jimbo 25
16th The official ff1gp racing team Stevo 23
17th Common Goals joanwilder 23
18th spasm wobblywebs 23
19th force ferrari Jimbo 23
20th Sylvia Stone allan 22
21st Teenage Dirtbags johnsyweb 22
22nd Wolfmobiles Wolfie 22
23rd Boo Hoo Hoo Mysteron 22
24th aged P2 valerie 21
25th nat_loser2009 natalia 20
26th earlybird thunderbird Gareth 20
27th tailendcharlie's tooden 20
28th Nukem's Losers Nukem 20
29th Dodgey Vipers joanwilder 20
30th driving backwards bangbot 20
31st LJM F1 #3 WFCluke 20
32nd chocolate fireguards spinneypj 19
33rd Vicou's Loose Gp Team yipyop 19
34th Down & Out kpower 19
35th Crash (Bang Wallop) Crash 19
36th Are loosers really the winners Stevo 19
37th Brawn over Brain Neil Holloway 19
38th tryin to keep up screwbot 19
39th Sunday Drivers Going round in Circles jante 19
40th The knitting circle dougf1 18
41st Egloskerry Racing Emerson 18
42nd Jewsport Jewsport 18
43rd dip stick andrewb127 18
44th Team Woodspoon B Woodspoon 18
45th Scarugnat Giusy 18
46th rubbish dipsticks deeko 18
47th Garfs having no idea should help! Paul Wyatt 18
48th oswald maki 18
49th driving to a stand still jidley 18
50th SGNF Martin Dickson 18
51st Peppa Pig in a Porsche adam231075 17
52nd Mad Cow Loosers bseboy 17
53rd bigman bigman 17
54th Undergrids Snails N Thomson 17
55th Scuidera Tomo Losio's Tomohawk 17
56th johor f1 rahmanmn03 17
57th rxz power salahuddin91 17
58th kers are not us f1racingnutter 17
59th WoodenSpoon K1lted 16
60th three wheels racing teamstevenracers 16
61st Crampons JohnnyB 16
62nd Epic Fail Lonewolf 15
63rd The1-2Win K Kainth 15
64th Amati F1 Mark Williams 15
65th GPLosers GPRacing 15
66th UKF1 nickrbtson 14
67th Mcmarty2 Martin 14
68th commodores slipway selohmub 14
69th Mudskippers sirbobby 14
70th Supposed Crap! Scott Warren 14
71st Back Markers R Us chrisbot 14
72nd Langshot Losers abaird 14
73rd LHW_FlyersBadTwo LHW_Flyers 14
74th McLauren con2112 13
75th got no name! RavingLunacy 13
76th crash smash wallop lovef1 13
77th Robo's Rovers LollyR 13
78th crap!!!! LaNeY 13
79th Gti Loooooosers dk_highlander 12
80th Tortoises R' Us 2 Steve Allchorn 12
81st mps makmur rahmanmn03 12
82nd Back Of The Grid Steve Allchorn 11
83rd Dillberts losers Dillberts_Donuts 11
84th RC Barlow Tricktree 10
85th robbo's road hogs robbo 10
86th standing start bubblebut 10
87th Wheres coulturd Dillberts_Donuts 9
88th Imba Ady33 8
89th rectory loosers Lloydster 8
90th ProbynGPL Tom Probyn 8
91st beta boys tooden 8
92nd Beentherebe4 RuskinRacers 8
93rd Maddog Losers MaddogRacing 7
94th crashandsmash choccararacing 7
95th The Moley Men Verminator 7
96th Bram's frozen rods Pete (Brammers) 6
97th Willie Stroker's wonders D1MAC 6
98th the boy racers will 6
99th newman billandben 6
100th Thribbling Rubbish thribble 6
101st Ferrari Shocks hafeez 6
102nd Nuts Mark Williams 6
103rd Losers timberx 6
104th Flat foot JohnnyB 6
105th John Ashurst 2 John Pritchard 6
106th LHW_FlyersBadOne LHW_Flyers 6
107th stuck in gravel trap kanonbubble 6
108th Bye Bye Speedle DoakSim 6
109th F1ippers Topedge 5
110th Team Flatulance Woodspoon 5
111st Lewis Shocks hafeez 5
112nd That Sounded Expensive! sand 5
113rd the blowouts pullins12 5
114th jeffs devils jeffdettori 4
115th The Ducking Yankers D1MAC 4
116th agro3 agro 4
117th ciwin lostboy 4
118th Crash Bang Wollop! Groatinho 3
119th Jake Brake MatchstickMan 3
120th Off The Track RacersRUs 3
121st packie packie01 3
122nd trebant owners club Albert 3
123rd oneeyedbeaver RavingLunacy 3
124th RJB Losers Richard Baird 3
125th Scrapped JemmaJET 3
126th off the road racing soxcat 3
127th Racing for nothing wingbot 3
128th D'oh! Paul Wyatt 3
129th diving to a stand still Jestingracers 3
130th Imba_Cart Ady33 2
131st Wounded lion LeopardPrintRule 1
132nd herbie racing salahuddin91 0