Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2016 Italian Grand Prix league race scores

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The Dutch Connection league race scores & league cup winners

Gold league cup

Hair brained (Danh84) 70pts

Silver league cup

Tigger-Oggy (OWEN) 69pts

Bronze league cup

Blackpool1_Merc+Max (Peter Latimer) 66pts

League flat tyre award

Dave N 2 (Dave Norman) 28pts

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Hair brained Danh84 70
2nd Tigger-Oggy OWEN 69
3rd Blackpool1_Merc+Max Peter Latimer 66
4th White Widow OWEN 63
5th Haram-scarum Danh84 62
6th The Dark Side TREVOR 61
7th Transformers John Slater 61
8th Cream Puffs Cjay 59
9th Bullseye TREVOR 58
10th QC-Saub-Nasr-Vers David Latimer 58
11th Yellow Belters Simon Harris 57
12th QC-Torro-Nasr-Hary David Latimer 56
13th Blackpool3_Merc+Haas Peter Latimer 55
14th Horwell Racing tobybmx125 55
15th Engineering Dream tobybmx125 55
16th Turbulent hair Danh84 54
17th Blackpool5_Seb+Max Peter Latimer 54
18th Dave N 5 Dave Norman 54
19th Beer Drinkers TREVOR 53
20th Wiiings Dave Slater 53
21st QC-Torro-Nasr-Gut David Latimer 53
22nd QC-Haas-Palmer-Gro David Latimer 53
23rd TinksGP4 Tinksgp 52
24th Purple Mushrooms Simon Harris 52
25th Pink Trombones Simon Harris 51
26th Globe Trotters TREVOR 51
27th Modbury Woods John Slater 51
28th Spiderman John Slater 51
29th flavored1 Rene Hoogvliet 50
30th Martha Danh84 50
31st Blackpool2_Lewis+Haas Peter Latimer 50
32nd Sensi-Smile OWEN 49
33rd TinksGP1 Tinksgp 49
34th Rockwell Racers jonhairs 48
35th Peter Slater 1 peter slater 48
36th B-52 OWEN 48
37th Blackpool4_Ferr+FI Peter Latimer 48
38th Dave N 1 Dave Norman 48
40th My Friends All Drive Porsches Dave Slater 48
41st flavored3 Rene Hoogvliet 47
42nd Persian Sprockets Madjax 47
43rd Hairpin Danh84 47
44th TinksGP5 Tinksgp 47
45th BMX Specials tobybmx125 46
46th Uncle Frank Uncle Frank 45
47th Newport F1 tobybmx125 45
48th Grosjean-Luc Picard Dave Slater 45
49th Peter Slater 3 peter slater 44
50th QC-Torro-Nasr-Weh David Latimer 44
51st Oh...wont you buy me Gslater 43
52nd Snowman OWEN 41
53rd Red Roosters Simon Harris 41
54th Intrepid Dave Slater 41
55th Dave N 3 Dave Norman 39
56th Apprenticeship tobybmx125 39
57th Prancing Horses Dave Slater 39
58th Sunday Wonder Boys jonhairs 38
59th flavored2 Rene Hoogvliet 38
60th Dave N 4 Dave Norman 38
61st TinksGP3 Tinksgp 38
62nd Golden Rivets Simon Harris 38
63rd Creemts Cjay 38
64th Lanson jonhairs 37
65th Broadwoodwidger jonhairs 36
66th flaored4 Rene Hoogvliet 36
67th Munched Cjay 36
68th Terrapins Cjay 36
69th flavored5 Rene Hoogvliet 33
70th Darkstars Cjay 33
71st Peter Slater 2 peter slater 32
72nd TinksGP2 Tinksgp 32
73rd Westgate Warriors jonhairs 30
74th Dave N 2 Dave Norman 28