Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2022 Azerbaijani Grand Prix league race scores

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The 'FF1GP Mega Budget' league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Chris 2 speedychris 93
2nd The super contenders valerie 89
3rd Walker and Hunt Mark Jones 88
4th RAYS F17 RAYS F1 87
= Portway Thomas40 87
5th RAY F7 RAYS F1 85
= Old Hamilton Racing Davita 85
= Free Practice 3 dougf1 85
6th RAYS F20 RAYS F1 84
= The wheels are off 2022 davet 84
= Medway league Clayton 84
= QRO1 LHW_Flyers 84
7th Smashers sirbobby 83
8th The Revolution Will Not Be Televised MatchstickMan 82
9th Rebel racing Smithde23 81
= Pisces Oggy 81
= Chris 3 speedychris 81
= The Prima Donnas allan 81
= Godders mega gamble goddersgamble 81
10th Royal Purple Romario 80
= RONstopable Racing are going MEGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 80
= Guinness Geniuses Mega Chris Godridge 80
11th Robros RT Robros 78
12th Danica Does Donington neilsutton 77
= PJN28 pajan 77
13th Triumph Triumph 76
= Tibres sudhirtibrewal 76
14th Oswestry RC davval49 75
= Pisces 2 Oggy 75
15th RAYS F1 RAYS F1 74
16th RAYS F38 RAYS F1 73
= MMT Racing Team Davita 73
= Kersplatski BarbaricAvatar 73
= Gold Romario 73
= Dirty Air So Passé - Right Covid? riccardopatrese 73
17th Lando's School of Motoring RustyBoots 72
18th Bram's mega team Pete (Brammers) 71
= harrys2 rustyw1974 71
= Niki Lauda Racing jack gregg 71
= Yellow Fixers B Team Ronald 71
19th Fastpack silvester 70
= Blickster’s Tricksters (Mega budget) Blickster's F1 70
20th Kawasaki GTR 1400 Triumph 68
= Majorsees 1 Andy1960 68
21st Free Practice 1 dougf1 67
22nd BSA C15 Triumph 64
= SteveSingoMega1 stevesingo 64
23rd Yellow Fixers Ronald 63
= Skidmark1 skidmark 63
= Yellow Fixers Fun Team Ronald 63
= green white gold gerardgibson153 63
24th Some donkeys Jewhoo 53
25th MaxGoSmash Hamiltonians 42