Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2022 Hungarian Grand Prix league race scores

The Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 season is open. Enter your Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 teams at Fantasy Formula E today.

The Dutch Connection league race scores & league cup winners

Gold league cup

Brown Helmets (Simon Harris) 83pts

League flat tyre award

Mazewin V2 (MaxMussDasSein) 31pts

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Brown Helmets Simon Harris 83
2nd QC-Ver-Gas-AM-Alfa David Latimer 80
3rd QC-Ver-Bot-Alp-AM David Latimer 80
4th Chelsea F1 Uncle Frank 78
5th Blackpool1-MaxPierreAstonWilliams Peter Latimer 78
6th Purple Mushrooms Simon Harris 75
7th Blackpool6-MaxCharlesAlfaHaas Peter Latimer 75
8th Double Dutch Dave Slater 75
9th QC-Ver-Oco-AT-Haas David Latimer 75
10th flavored1 Rene Hoogvliet 74
11th flavored5 Rene Hoogvliet 73
12th QC-Ver-Ric-AM-Haas David Latimer 73
13th Yellow Belters Simon Harris 72
14th Blackpool2-LeclercZhouRedBullHaas Peter Latimer 72
15th Max Vercrashen nathan latimer 72
16th Supermax Maximo McWilliam 71
17th Greek Connection Uncle Frank 71
18th QC-Ver-LeC-Alfa-Haas David Latimer 71
19th Lanson jonhairs 70
20th baltari voltas nathan latimer 70
21st Haas constructors champions?? nathan latimer 70
22nd Bullseye TREVOR 69
23rd Hairy Danh84 67
24th Wiiings Dave Slater 67
25th PS 1 peter slater 65
26th The Dark side TREVOR 63
27th MaxStrAlpMer Maximo McWilliam 62
28th Williams boys Uncle Frank 62
29th Globe Trotters TREVOR 61
30th Oh no I’ve gone for Magnussen again Ross McWilliam 61
31st Artic Drift Gslater 61
32nd My Friends All Drive Porches Dave Slater 61
33rd Brooklands Beverley 60
34th Golden Rivets Simon Harris 59
35th PS 3 peter slater 58
36th Sunday Wonder Boys jonhairs 57
37th Broadwoodwidger jonhairs 56
38th NathansTeam1 nathan latimer 56
39th Blackpool5-AlbonBottasMercRenault Peter Latimer 56
40th Inspiration Gslater 56
41st The Return of the K-Mag Dave Slater 56
42nd Yeolmbridge Woodburners jonhairs 55
43rd Stihl Chainsaws jonhairs 55
44th Pink Trombones Simon Harris 55
45th Rockwell Racers jonhairs 53
47th Blackpool3-CarlosFernandoAlphaAlfa Peter Latimer 53
48th QC-Bot-Mag-Merc-Alp David Latimer 53
49th Bevyboo Beverley 52
50th Prancing Horses Dave Slater 51
51st New 17 Uncle Frank 50
52nd PS 2 peter slater 50
53rd Red 5 Uncle Frank 49
54th flavored2 Rene Hoogvliet 49
55th flavored3 Rene Hoogvliet 49
56th Beer Drinkers TREVOR 48
57th Red Roosters Simon Harris 48
58th Hairy 2 Danh84 48
59th flavored4 Rene Hoogvliet 48
60th English Masterclass nathan latimer 48
61st Edriz peter slater 47
62nd Crescent Dawn Gslater 46
63rd Alfa Romeo + Juliet Dave Slater 46
64th Nikita Mazewin MaxMussDasSein 45
65th Red Five Uncle Frank 45
66th Blackpool4-OconGaslyFerrariAlfa Peter Latimer 44
67th flavored6 Rene Hoogvliet 43
68th RusLatAlpAst Maximo McWilliam 42
69th Netflix Danh84 40
70th At Least I Didn't Choose Haas This Time Ross McWilliam 39
71st Team name 1 Danh84 38
72nd Mr Nimbus Danh84 36
73rd Prancing bulls Maximo McWilliam 35
74th PS 4 peter slater 33
75th emilys pick nathan latimer 32
76th Mazewin V2 MaxMussDasSein 31