Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2010 Australian Grand Prix league race scores

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Want to lose league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st usf1 the second aaron short 71
2nd Guessus Loosing :D GuessWho 62
3rd Sky Timewaste 62
4th Black Romario 59
6th Slow Losers kevvy355 53
7th sylvia krin allan 50
8th SZ-LOSE Sohil Zaveri 49
9th Slough F1 RossF1 49
10th LostToWin sudhirtibrewal 48
11th Spacelogs Cooper 47
12th Brum F1 Tony250 47
13th GP Losers GPRacing 46
14th Virgin Plucked EastCoastFolk 45
15th M00004 MOOOO1 45
16th M000004 MOOOO1 45
17th F1 Rubbish drivers Popstar 44
18th Racing Gatos Dynasty 44
19th wat are u doing billandben 42
20th SpruceGoose1 LHW_Flyers 42
21st If i'm not 1st i'm doing somethin right!! BigRed 42
22nd x_x Dynafire 42
23rd The Neil Ennis Experience Steve Allchorn 42
24th williams5 mike 41
25th F1 Dougs Paul Davy 40
26th popitts losers pete 39
27th Mercedes george 39
28th Loss Leaders AlucardUK 39
29th Sensei's suckiest Ian Caddick 39
30th Tata Barracuda 39
31st Dodgy Vipers joanwilder 39
32nd Team upside down robert76 38
33rd Bumper Cars? HFCOX 37
34th Curb Crunchers OilSlick 35
35th rwet terence 35
36th champ. cats Dynasty 35
37th Kerrie90 Razor61 35
38th The Strategically Challenged Steve Allchorn 34
39th LOSERS robertw 34
40th aged p2 valerie 33
41st Team (L)users Johnsey 33
42nd Maxwheel Silver Stammer III andymax313 33
43rd Looooosers. Hollywood_2314 33
44th rhy_ee rhy_no 32
45th Silverking? Yes please...I'll have a pint! ScubaDave 32
46th THE BIGGEST LOSERS robertw 32
47th GroverNotSoSuperGP James Grover 31
48th Pactors Reactors Losers Pactor 31
49th Teenage Dirtbags F1 johnsyweb 31
50th Brians Barrel Scrapers Brian 31
51st GTi Team Tres dk_highlander 30
52nd GSR4 gsilvester 30
53rd hold up the rest jeffdettori 29
54th bodbod to lose gp bodbod 29
55th bentley3 f1 johnqwrty1 29
56th Braille Braves b15oxo 29
57th Bram's crash rods Pete (Brammers) 28
59th andyhispaniaf2 andyhispania 28
61st No-eye-dear seskrick 28
62nd Norton's One-Stop Blunders! Desperados Dom 28
63rd Rattleheads Rattlehead 28
64th Wetbedspeed Bedders 28
65th Super Duper Pooper Scooper MatchstickMan 27
66th VerNotStoppen for Petrol 3 hokansc 27
67th Dazy Losers mayurbhatia 27
68th SpruceGoose2 LHW_Flyers 26
69th Nicoragua or bust! jabba21 25
70th HRT Heroes mcross57 24
71st Team Twonk spinneypj 24
72nd Bargain Basement Matthew LeDouxDeakin 24
73rd Sluggish Racing taff37 24
74th Phil's F1 Flops Phil Shearing 23
75th gnicar yobtsol lostboy 23
76th Langshot Losers abaird 23
77th The No Hopers AlucardSnr 23
78th Team "L" for Loser! Marc Wares 23
79th GTI Racers scoobytypera 23
80th ASR4 asilvester 23
81st Bust or Brentwood! LollyR 23
82nd F1Nuttypro Kaushal 22
83rd Aldebaran F2 Tony Dodd 22
84th JordanF1 Ceejay3702 22
85th CJT Racing Agamemnian 22
86th Team Alpha Chance Stephenson 21
87th Doozers Fr4ggle 21
88th eat mair dust ! saucerboonie 21
89th Dynasty Dynasty 21
90th rejects stefangallagher 21
91st errclaren Emari10 21
92nd Lost Cause kpower 20
93rd monty's magical monglets brrrmbrrrrm 20
94th Vasias GP2 vasias 17
95th Trabant Ranch United (TRU) Kornel 16
96th The Playboys joanorbis 16
97th Delphi's loosers delphi 15
98th Sunday Drivers Going Round in Circles jante 15
99th Simo's Crap team to lose SIMON D 13
100th Always complaining dougf1 13
101st Wardi's Slow Snails Wardi 12
102nd V-Down AndyV28 12
103rd V-Downs AndyV28 12
104th DMf11 sundaycall 11
105th Ivor Wheeloff TYREDOUT999 10
106th Buscuit (Rich Tea) GP David Whiteley 6
107th XSV Dynasty 6
108th The Obliterator Dynasty 5
109th winners all the way The_Bun 2