Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2011 Malaysian Grand Prix league race scores

Mega budget league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st The Trolls Ultimate Edition Jed 127
3rd Cheeky Berger TorquesCheap 124
4th The Mechanics Steve Allchorn 123
5th nelson55 spinneypj 122
6th Dobromyslova's Arrows ben10racing 122
7th Save the Cheerleader RAB 121
8th Ginger Racing Nicoginger 120
9th Bennion a go go Rich Bennion 120
10th lotus eye andy brown 120
11th A winning team sammars 120
12th Mazda Racing mindlessboy 118
13th on-the-limit2 driver53 117
14th Guinness Geniuses Chris Godridge 117
15th Thunderbird Triumph 116
16th Crash 2 Crash 116
17th Red Bull Girl RedBullGirl 116
18th Shtiiing Dingbats Andy Bennion 116
19th Dan's Maga Budget Daniel Grant 115
20th P1 PenelopePitstop 115
21st Crash 1 Crash 115
22nd Kimi Raikkonen 3 matiaskimi 115
23rd Minardi Mega Budget Forever 99shill 114
24th MEGA RMClaren RMCLAREN 114
25th moneybags Bill teamlewisracing 114
26th Dan's Mega Budget Daniel Grant 113
27th Grout Racing Oggy 113
28th Bi Bucks under the Bonnet jante 113
29th deepest pockets f1racingnutter 113
30th MEGA! Scott Warren 113
31st Taurine on Tour Christian Edwards 113
32nd Daytona Triumph 112
33rd Super Speed becky 112
34th Gillespie's Champions Alistair Gillespie 112
35th Fire BigSy 112
36th Some Mair racing saucerboonie 112
37th playing the odds LeopardPrintRule 112
38th The MelonFarmers Andy Bennion 112
39th Don't Bahrain On My Parade neilsutton 112
40th VICtory Rattlehead 112
41st Can we win podroberts 112
42nd DebsDoesSeb Kumarlex 111
43rd Wolfmobiles Wolfie 111
44th Mart5 - MB Martin 110
45th Party For Your Right To Fight! MatchstickMan 110
46th The Lotus 72 quincymd 110
47th BeVer TEAM BeVer 110
48th APEs APete 110
49th jeffs bucks jeffdettori 110
50th Mario Karters Christian Edwards 110
51st Stingray Mega David Morgan 109
52nd Davandylan Racing Davita 109
53rd Mystery From Kent TYREDOUT999 109
54th Mega - win win win dougf1 109
55th hinxys A stars hinxy 109
56th usandthem theboybandshavew 108
57th Scout wobblywebs 108
58th Orange Romario 108
59th Ferrari F150 Nicanor 107
60th Pants 'o' Fire Rich Bennion 107
61st AKA Godfather 2 wrecsamdraig 106
62nd Edwill510 WillwardGP 106
63rd Lucky Strike Strok F1 GP Goran Strok 105
64th Phil's Mega Flyers Phil Shearing 105
65th Mega...maybes cathyd 105
66th Casmos Henry Isack 104
67th Lalala Lucas 104
68th Bonneville Triumph 103
69th Thruxton Triumph 102
70th Uzee F1 uzee1000 101
71st Radpack Max Brett Radford 101
72nd Milla Jovovich BigSy 101
73rd TROON2 TROON 101
74th Toad Inc MattSimpson 101
75th Johnsey's Millions Johnsey 101
76th Carrington GP mcarrington 101
78th McFearless Racing Mk II MrBrightside 101
79th Best of the big spenders Henessey_Venom 101
80th Zoom Tregadillett 100
81st Predator 3 M300AMH 100
82nd Mega 2011 Scott Warren 100
83rd Sirius Grande djgunter 99
84th More Fizzy Juice Hosea 99
85th The Dogs Bollox RacersRUs 99
86th holloway f1 2 samh11 98
87th JSSRacing - Mega Jon Wilkinson 97
88th WijZijnRaketten (MB) IkZenEenRaket 97
89th The Multi-Million Dollar Men Jonathan85 97
90th SteveSingoMegaF1 stevesingo 97
91st MegaFluff Don Burgess 97
92nd Bang Tidy Racers Rich Bennion 97
93rd Luke's Lads #5 WFCluke 97
94th Dyamite Racing rossi_46 97
95th skip joe13 97
96th Pitstops are for Wimps Roy B 96
97th no can win deeko 95
98th Better than Andy (Hopefully) Christian Edwards 95
99th Electric Sheep johnsyweb 95
100th mega billandben 94
101st F1fanatical F1fanatic 94
102nd Wozza's Mega Racers Wozza 94
103rd H specials Henry Isack 93
104th Munchkin F1 Racing tigmunk 93
105th GTI Team C dk_highlander 93
106th This way to the line lostboy 92
107th badri11 ismail hashi 92
108th Return of the red LeopardPrintRule 92
109th The Chain stugillespie 88
110th Spiijk racing Tregadillett 88
111st PH mega paulHo 88
112nd Spaegie David Grant 88
113rd Scuderia El Dorado PsychoAtom 88
114th Acedreamer3 Acedreamers 88
115th Euler's Theorems meno39 88
116th Gauss's Eliminators meno39 88
117th TerraGigaMega Kornel 87
118th Kersplatski Dave Highkinen 86
119th Dibble Dodgers Thomas40 86
120th FerrrariRBRMcLaren flower 85
121st agro2 agro 84
122nd Midas Racing Stephen_c_ 83
123rd treacle miner Tregadillett 82
124th Fast W MB Wim 82
125th Freaks United (MB) FreaksUnited 81
126th Mobile Library Lanstephan 81
127th Martin mgdawson 81
128th SK3 Steven Kindred 80
129th F-Ducked Again leemitchell83 80
130th on-the-limit3 driver53 79
131st Akkers Tregadillett 79
132nd Andys Mega abaird 79
133rd Hope Tregadillett 78
134th MelsMotors MelsMotors 76
135th cuñaos albatros1705 75
136th Mega..defos cathyd 75
137th No. 46ers georgeaf46 73
138th blueraze boy Blueraze 72
140th Bradshaws Mega James B 68
141st alvistd21 carlos1967 68
142nd Mega Black daniel69 64
143rd Cant think of a name... granty86 62
144th Aardvark cars MS Racing 62
145th nicholas f1hunks babybum 59
146th kobayashi1 kobayashi 57
147th Speed Triple Triumph 53
148th Scuderia Joker RayJoker1954 49
149th LHW_Mega's LHW_Flyers 47
150th agro1 agro 46
151st starlite5 mi99 45
152nd on-the-limit driver53 41