Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Want to lose league (Round 2) league scores

The Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 season is open. Enter your Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 teams at Fantasy Formula E today.
  • Description: Entries for round 2 for all Want to Lose teams
  • Allowed team types: Want to win and Want to lose
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Bigger Loosers amitch17062003 141
2nd Mudway MotorSport Desperados Dom 172
3rd We Drive Golf's Tinky01 173
4th Notquitereverse Hanedurful 179
5th **LoSeRs** John Halshaw 189
6th Light House Peoples INC. amascus 189
7th Mad Cow MaddogRacing 192
8th Ali's losers Ali22 193
9th F1 Dougs Paul Davy 341