Want to lose league (Round 2) league scores
- Description: Entries for round 2 for all Want to Lose teams
- Allowed team types: Want to win and Want to lose
Pos | Team Name | Owner | Score |
1st | Bigger Loosers | amitch17062003 | 141 |
2nd | Mudway MotorSport | Desperados Dom | 172 |
3rd | We Drive Golf's | Tinky01 | 173 |
4th | Notquitereverse | Hanedurful | 179 |
5th | **LoSeRs** | John Halshaw | 189 |
6th | Light House Peoples INC. | amascus | 189 |
7th | Mad Cow | MaddogRacing | 192 |
8th | Ali's losers | Ali22 | 193 |
9th | F1 Dougs | Paul Davy | 341 |