Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Want to lose league (Round 1) league scores

The Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 season is open. Enter your Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 teams at Fantasy Formula E today.
  • Description: Entries for round 1 for all Want to Lose teams
  • Allowed team types: Want to win and Want to lose
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Emotional Emancipation MatchstickMan 162
2nd Plums 2005 - Losers hoji 185
3rd River Plate Gonzalo Umbacia Molina 196
4th Team Scorpio ninjahamster 205
5th American Idiots nickrbtson 205
6th Bramley's Frozen Rods Pete (Brammers) 208
7th Not So Good! billypunk13 219
8th Teenage Dirtbags johnsyweb 224
9th Last on grid paudie25 225
10th gauge boson MatchstickMan 230
11th Hardly Minardi Vagabond 233
12th selohmub's outcasts selohmub 233
13th Piggles Loves The Cock 2times 234
14th MinarDoh! mattley 235
15th useless fergalmc 235
16th Back o' the grid SteH 237
17th TaaHFanGukloosers mike 237
18th F1 Loosers Adrian Hooks 238
19th Minardi Racing GarrettGTR 243
20th Bryans Beehatches Bryan 243
21st KR RACING rick 243
22nd Duds dudley 244
23rd F1 Losers rainbowsix1963 244
24th Slower Coaches Kadsdisco 244
25th lost causes lynne 245
26th Jordans shanky82 245
27th snowfox 2 DISCO 246
28th snowfox 4 DISCO 246
29th ROCK BOTTOM rich30784 247
30th 75 Tom S 248
31st RedSuns - Losers RedSuns 248
32nd Chordon Sicket_Boy 249
33rd We Miss You Pacific Ford DannyG 249
34th Sellotape Invaders Peter Hall 249
35th Muppets in Rides ely 249
36th oops where's my thribble thribble 249
37th ZeRo F1 John Halshaw 249
39th F Off shane329 249
40th I just really wanna lose jubileejim 249
41st notquitereverse michael 249
42nd Pangar Paolo Dominoni 252
43rd Lardy Minardi Timmy B 256
44th Kroisos Polle 258
45th Losers, Inc. legolas 259
46th Overrated micmac 259
47th Chatham Chav Racing Desperados Dom 260
48th Santa Fe (guess if it'll won or lose) juan manuel rangel 261
49th 666 World Racing Team Jesus 262
50th Sunken Batz rraahh 268
51st Allan (OrlandoWhite) Caley's Losers floridawhite 270
52nd Dwarven Runners Gnoshious 275
53rd Dumbo Jumbos elephant 276
54th Bristol City Loosers hammydude 277
55th Tuskers Last Stand elephant 277
56th Moo Sucks Homicide 279
57th pjs6t1 spinneypj 282
58th jj1 jjjjj 283
59th Whimps Duke 285
60th Vee's Cars of Notso Wounderous Velocity VeesTeams 285
61st Bringing up the Rear Nick Ladner 285
62nd rrv46 rrv44 286
63rd Freak No Go freakza 287
64th Crummy Mummy Mum Bum 289
65th Junk Yard Managers kernow_rail 291
66th Robs Loser Minardi Rob 292
67th Vee's Cars of Not So Wounderous Velocity VeesTeams 292
68th Lapped Land cyric100 294
69th Stato's Losers Mark Mullen 299
70th VGA3 Phil 299
71st PUSSY VAGONS F2005 juanmacho vidal 303
72nd Gonzales broken Gonzales 304
73rd TAG Crafts Racing littlebluevw 306
74th Flat tyres johnprunty 309
75th Slow Coaches Kadsdisco 310
76th Galdriel's Guys galadriel 312
77th LooseWin Hugo Santos 312
78th Loosers are us tjchlorinehead 313
79th F1 Fatties lordfinesse 314
80th Team Plumber anhamgrimmar 317
81st The Wildbunch rephlex 318
82nd You don't need wings to lose jubileejim 318
83rd Unlucky XIII ZootHornRollo 318
84th The Learners Liam 329
85th Proogs will come last proogs 330
86th broken bubbles bubbles 331
87th supa kahwooi85 336
88th Mchugh's Smokey's mchughs 336
89th Virtsu Kardiring Randel Palu 336
90th The Galactic Empire Darth Turbo 339
91st the Panda in front is knackered The Randy Panda 339
92nd Custard & Rice jonhairs 348
93rd SAB Racing Baldyboy 348
94th Pacific Ilmor Peter Hall 349
95th soldout pistolero 373
96th The Unlikely ossie_g 396
97th Shirlaw's Racing Kraftwerk 417
98th The Holly Rollers Jesus 445
99th Mangy Cars Peter Goodall 504
100th ratpack pistolero 540