Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

St Catherine's Racing league scores

  • Description: SCRL
  • No. of teams: A maximum of 2 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
  • Allowed team types: Want to win and Want to lose
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st RJP-reserves RJP883 684
2nd SpareParts AlexC 668
3rd lap8 lap8 665
4th WaltonF1 waltonF1 664
5th Schu-Who neilsutton 611
6th Axel Breaker AlexC 548
7th Thrust Pelvique rzontafan 541
8th Grid Cowboys neilsutton 535
9th Women are better drivers! Brookio 531
10th Scuderia SCL The Blonde 528
11th RJP racing RJP883 524
12th Vroom Vroom Clunk Click Thud Paul H 512
13th Pros BestBitter 502
14th Louis Losers Pikka_lou 481
15th WildCats The Blonde 480
17th Hossie's Hotrods Karen 448
18th H'away The New Boys Ben Howat 402
19th No VW Team this year? Tom Coleman 361
20th Wheels & Co. mikec 335
22nd Willie's Hero's James Greenhalgh 313
23rd Tigger's Terrors Karen 304
24th 2fast2win 2fast 285
25th The Crimson Haybailers Paul Morris 261
26th Talladega Knights funtime 238