Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

CC league scores

  • Description: CeeCee
  • No. of teams: A maximum of 4 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
  • Allowed team types: Want to win and Want to lose
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st smudger1 smitho 604
2nd RMClaren2 RMCLAREN 600
3rd merda calda Steve Godleman 571
4th Crazy Dave Ben Anderson 562
5th RMClaren3 RMCLAREN 550
6th smudger3 smitho 547
7th RMClaren RMCLAREN 531
8th AndyMac's McLarens Andrew MacBain 525
9th Smudger smitho 523
10th Carcoat Damphands Ben Anderson 522
11th smudger2 smitho 471
12th Luke's Lads WFCluke 454
14th Thurgood's Turbos andyt120 437
15th CMS007 CMS007 427
16th TF1R thevan 422
17th Eddie Jordan Lives cheesy_peas_yum 388
18th Och Aye the Noo Mo' Fo's Ben Anderson 365
19th RMClaren4 RMCLAREN 341