Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

BBCL TECH SERV league scores

The Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 season is open. Enter your Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 teams at Fantasy Formula E today.
  • No. of teams: A maximum of 4 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
  • Allowed team types: Want to win
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Jazz racing eddiemus 668
2nd A Bridgstone Too Far podroberts 665
3rd seven sport gcjackson 565
4th The Ferrari Yorkshiremen podroberts 546
5th Petrol prices Graham Moss 518
6th Howley racing Mossley 505
7th A Bridgestone Too Far podroberts 503
8th Cobra Racing eddiemus 477
9th Petrol heads Graham Moss 468
10th tonka truck drivers Barry Eaton 458