St Catherine's Racing league scores
- Description: Want to win
- No. of teams: A maximum of 2 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
- Allowed team types: Want to win
Pos | Team Name | Owner | Score |
1st | TechnicalSpecs | BestBitter | 611 |
2nd | P1 | PenelopePitstop | 606 |
3rd | Al's Allstars | AlexC | 593 |
4th | P2 | PenelopePitstop | 588 |
5th | Twofast2lose | 2fast | 585 |
6th | RJP team1 MBMS | RJP883 | 581 |
7th | Haycock's Winners | Brookio | 576 |
8th | Scuderia Massa | neilsutton | 573 |
9th | waltonf1 | waltonF1 | 552 |
10th | Woking Copy Shop Racing | neilsutton | 525 |
11th | Tigger's Terrors | Karen | 524 |
12th | I Better Beat Kay! | Pikka_lou | 520 |
13th | Do not pass go | Paul H | 517 |
14th | Rob F1 | crower | 507 |
15th | lap8 | lap8 | 497 |
16th | Hossie's Hotrods | Karen | 491 |
17th | Older & Hopefully Wiser | Inman | 483 |
18th | RJP team2 HDRA | RJP883 | 480 |
19th | Fleat_Racing | FLEAT_RACING | 471 |
20th | Scuderia Giuseppe | timfawcett | 434 |
21st | Rosie is Red | lap8 | 431 |
22nd | Crimson Haybailers ride again | Paul Morris | 427 |
23rd | Axel Breakers | AlexC | 407 |
24th | Walton Wacky Waces | waltonF1 | 400 |