Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Spoons league of woe league scores

The Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 season is open. Enter your Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 teams at Fantasy Formula E today.
  • Description: a crap league for crap people
  • No. of teams: A maximum of 4 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
  • Allowed team types: Want to win and Want to lose
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Team Woodspoon Woodspoon 808
2nd jelly badger paws RavingLunacy 744
3rd Team Sugar Rush Woodspoon 666
4th RavingDriver RavingLunacy 598
5th Team Woodspoon B Woodspoon 331
6th Team Flatulance Woodspoon 320
7th oneeyedbeaver RavingLunacy 294
8th got no name! RavingLunacy 292