Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Spitting Alpacka's league scores

The Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 season is open. Enter your Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 teams at Fantasy Formula E today.
  • Description: Just for fun!!
  • No. of teams: A maximum of 2 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
  • Allowed team types: Want to win
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Gunnys GP1 M300AMH 1017
2nd Dont go in the long grass! cooldudeells 832
3rd Mini Moos dizzydaisy 811
4th Shippers F1 shippers 786
5th Dizzy Daisy dizzydaisy 775
6th N3ONBEAR johnnysausage 766
7th skiffy-screamers julietbravo 762
8th Gunnys GP2 M300AMH 686
9th Alpacka Slayers cooldudeells 649
10th JCT F1 Winners johnnysausage 559
11th Nobby Nuts Nobby 358