Bournemouth Burnouts league scores
- Description: Bournemouth
- No. of teams: A maximum of 3 teams per user is allowed to enter this league.
- Allowed team types: Want to win, Want to lose and Mega budget
Pos | Team Name | Owner | Score |
1st | Bournemouth Minardi Mega | Candle | 1755 |
2nd | OzWheels-Mega | OzWheels | 1753 |
3rd | Rummys Racers Mega | Rummy | 1463 |
4th | OzWheels | OzWheels | 751 |
5th | Bournemouth Minardi Budget | Candle | 707 |
6th | Rummys Racers | Rummy | 622 |