Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Team owner - Humpf75 - 2012 season

Awards and achievements


Flat tyre award


Three of a kind Pick of the cream Pick 2 world championship drivers 2012 FF1GP Manager Spend it all Pick a Rookie driver

2012 teams

Mynza Dream-Team

Owner: Humpf75
Final score: 1764pts  Score Breakdown

Mynza Gamble

Owner: Humpf75
Final score: 771pts  Score Breakdown

Mynza Go-Go-Go

Owner: Humpf75
Final score: 1575pts  Score Breakdown

Mynza Looozah

Owner: Humpf75
Final score: 443pts  Score Breakdown

Mynza Winner

Owner: Humpf75
Final score: 826pts  Score Breakdown