Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Team owner - Gslater - 2014 season

Awards and achievements


Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal League flat tyre award League flat tyre award

Unlocked secret achievements

But it wouldn't be a secret if we told you what secret achievements Gslater had unlocked!


The wrong garage First corner, first race and OUT! French Turbo Quatuor Sound Big spender German Turbo Quartett Sound 2014 FF1GP Manager

2014 teams

Black Wind

Owner: Gslater
Final score: 1081pts  Score Breakdown

Cresent Dawn

Owner: Gslater
Final score: 1151pts  Score Breakdown

Cross Fire

Owner: Gslater
Final score: 625pts  Score Breakdown

Driving Force

Owner: Gslater
Final score: 1082pts  Score Breakdown

Red Haze

Owner: Gslater
Final score: 638pts  Score Breakdown