Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Team owner - Peter Latimer - 2014 season

Awards and achievements


Silver prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze league cup Bronze league cup Silver league cup Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Bronze league cup Bronze prediction medal Bronze prediction medal Silver league cup

Unlocked secret achievements

But it wouldn't be a secret if we told you what secret achievements Peter Latimer had unlocked!


The wrong garage 75 predictions 50 predictions 25 Predictions Chinese fortune cookie 10 Predictions First corner, first race and OUT! Predicting everything First prediction Going all out to win Trying to go all out to win 2014 FF1GP Manager Spend it all Pick a world championship driver German Turbo Quartett Sound

2014 teams

Nico Jean Toro William

Owner: Peter Latimer
Final score: 1244pts  Score Breakdown

Seb and co

Owner: Peter Latimer
Final score: 1246pts  Score Breakdown

William Ferr

Owner: Peter Latimer
Final score: 1306pts  Score Breakdown

William Merc

Owner: Peter Latimer
Final score: 1610pts  Score Breakdown


Owner: Peter Latimer
Final score: 1253pts  Score Breakdown