Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2019 Brazilian Grand Prix league race scores

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The 'FF1GP Want to lose' league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st LostWheels Richard Baird 17
2nd Richrockets silvester 20
3rd NeverLoosen2 Honeycomb 26
4th Oh no lapped again Mark Jones 31
5th Banana Man dougf1 34
6th Next season’s winners? allan 36
7th Amblosers ambroid77 36
8th Lentoni Strappamutande roar 37
9th Giovan,Mag,Red Bull,Renault {Bosh!= no messing with names here!) Billy_no_mates 41
10th Unhooped TYREDOUT999 42
11th MSM - On a Slow Road to Loserville 2019 MSM 43
12th Perez,Ricc,Willms,Red Bull (Futang=No BSing fancy names here!) Billy_no_mates 43
13th Cool Driver loser team cool_driver 43
14th Killer Kyvat Crashing Cars Lee O 50
15th MAV 22 mk v8 50
16th Stroll home Gasly valerie 53
17th The wheels are staying on 2019 davet 53
18th Brn-lose brn_mnk 53
19th Bram's Frozen Rods Pete (Brammers) 54
20th Kubica Bottas Haas Renault(no messing=no fancy team names here!) Billy_no_mates 56
21st The Lucky Losers Sam Weller 57
22nd Langshot Losers abaird 58
23rd Not Like This beeno 59
24th The wheels are coming off 2019 davet 59
25th Grey Romario 61
26th RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se RedBaRON 61
27th I spent 35 million & just got this bunch of losers Mr T 67
28th Sunday Drivers Going Round in Circles jante 68
29th LHW-QRP LHW_Flyers 69
30th NeverLoosen Honeycomb 69
31st Got to be Williams gjones1199 71
32nd ryan2 pajan 72
33rd Wheelie Loosers Henessey_Venom 72
34th Dinoco Macqueen95 73
35th Norris,Leclerc,Wllms,Merc (Bazinga!=no fancy names here!) Billy_no_mates 75
36th Strolling along with Norris - Haas you seen that Red Bull? Billy_no_mates 76
37th Armie's Losers Armcheerf1fan 76
38th Black Romario 80
39th I Like Toast BarbaricAvatar 80
40th First And Last MatchstickMan 81
41st My first foray into the LOSE League - maybe my last!! Martin_Brumble 86
42nd I love Williams - hate that they are so rubbish right now Britastic1 86
43rd Cornish Follies knight errant 94
44th RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se 1 RedBaRON 108