Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2022 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix league race scores

The Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 season is open. Enter your Fantasy Formula E 2024-25 teams at Fantasy Formula E today.

The FF1GP 'Want to win' league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Max the great Clayton 101
2nd Drive through turn five Craigsbeard 99
3rd Orange Army antiflow 98
= Hairy Danh84 98
4th Team GopherIt mrmikescho 97
= Robbo's Road Runners robbo 97
5th QC-Ver-LeC-Alfa-Haas David Latimer 96
= DL-Ver-LeC-Alfa-Haas David Latimer 96
6th Blackpool2-LeclercZhouRedBullHaas Peter Latimer 95
7th Straight To #1 MatchstickMan 94
= Blackpool6-MaxCharlesAlfaHaas Peter Latimer 94
= Human error PhillyLake 94
8th Haas constructors champions?? nathan latimer 93
= Sorry I'm Late Scuderia Ferrari 93
9th RONstopable winning mood 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 92
= Double Dutch Dave Slater 92
10th Robbo's Rogue Runners robbo 91
11th Monster > Red Bull delstone 89
= crash test dummies Jim Clark 89
= Not The Comfy Seat RustyBoots 89
= Lostboy lostboy 89
12th The Hare & The Tortoise GridGirl 88
13th Greatwhitedale GREATWHITEDALE 86
= QRQ2 LHW_Flyers 86
= Massive Idiots Slim 47 86
= QC-Ver-Oco-AT-Haas David Latimer 86
= LeClerc Kent PhillyLake 86
14th Andclasal Oggy 85
= Max Vercrashen nathan latimer 85
= Bernies Retirement Fund 2022 neilsutton 85
= Betting on Red RedDawn 85
= Making Up the Numbers SpiderMonkey 85
15th Tim's Titans Tim Rees 84
= Greek Connection Uncle Frank 84
= Tim #1 BBS0320 84
= Tim #2 Tim2007 84
16th Red Witch Witchwhey 83
= Wiiings Dave Slater 83
17th Bolognese lnk1 79
= Steel Rims neilsutton 79
18th Purple Patch BottomBurps 78
= Blackpool1-MaxPierreAstonWilliams Peter Latimer 78
= flavored1 Rene Hoogvliet 78
= flavored6 Rene Hoogvliet 78
19th Force Oranje Racing bluelionman 77
= BHC Mechanics mull3331 77
= Alfa Romeo + Juliet Dave Slater 77
20th Force India andrea 76
= Yellow Belters Simon Harris 76
= Highlander Kitten 76
= Its always sunny in Turra Gasmanie 76
= Oh no I’ve gone for Magnussen again Ross McWilliam 76
= tyrrell 63 Jim Clark 76
= tyrrell 65 Jim Clark 76
= DL-Ver-Nor-Alfa-Haas David Latimer 76
= PJN22 pajan 76
= No clue Stuart Brace 76
21st The Iffies iffies 75
= have a go joe jamer 75
= Choclatey Leclerc Steve Smith 75
= Team Vim Fuego Slim 47 75
22nd Taylor Motorsport jrt55555 74
= Mexfan Acme86 74
= Mexfan 2 Acme86 74
= Connors Racing Bois CPoulain1 74
= Blue Cow jack.lander4 74
23rd The wheels are off again 2022 davet 73
= Norton's Ground Effect Greats! Desperados Dom 73
= Billy's winners #3 Billy_no_mates 73
= Crescent Dawn Gslater 73
= Robbo's Roadhogs robbo 73
24th baltari voltas nathan latimer 72
= Nathans pit stoppers CJJAGO 72
= Blackpool4-OconGaslyFerrariAlfa Peter Latimer 72
= QC-Ver-Gas-AM-Alfa David Latimer 72
25th Mika Hakkinen BarbaricAvatar 71
26th Rebel racing 3 Smithde23 70
= Rebel racing 3 Smithde23 70
= Melita GEORGE 70
= bournville boys jamer 70
= A load of (Red) Bull Martin_Brumble 70
= Purple Mushrooms Simon Harris 70
27th Crazy Daisy MS Racing 69
= Trainers sirbobby 69
= Hungry like the Toto Wolf Steve Smith 69
= Wham Bam [W] Armcheerf1fan 69
= You Bet Your Haas GirlFromTheGrid 69
28th RONstopable winning mood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 68
29th Melski_Motors_GP Melski_Motors 67
= F1 Elite Blueraze 67
= Darkside sithspawn 67
= Sai-Gas-Alpine-Alpha R (aka Sainz above) MSM 67
= Giving the boys a chance DickDastardly 67
= Blickster’s Tricksters Blickster's F1 67
= Robbo's Road Rockets robbo 67
30th Studs Racing Studs9845 66
= i have gold wheels 2022 davet 66
= Brumbling along nicely Martin_Brumble 66
= Batchelor ABatchelor 66
= Bullseye TREVOR 66
= Ioniq bak1 66
= Chelsea F1 Uncle Frank 66
= Ernie's Milk Carts RustyBoots 66
= You see me stroll-ing Lydia Smith 66
= Flawed Floors neilsutton 66
= QC-Ver-Bot-Alp-AM David Latimer 66
= DL-Ver-Bot-Alp-AM David Latimer 66
31st Supermax Maximo McWilliam 65
= JSD RACING jazzyd 65
= Chris 4 speedychris 65
= The Black Pearl BarbaricAvatar 65
= Midfielders who might be mighty cool_driver 65
= Tortuos Trailers lynne 65
= Slippery Surfaces BottomBurps 65
= Bing Bong [W] Armcheerf1fan 65
= Billy's winners #1 Billy_no_mates 65
= Tunni is #2 Kathy 65
= Lando Lander jack.lander4 65
= Guinness Geniuses B Team Chris Godridge 65
32nd Rebel racing 1 Smithde23 64
= Ray's ProtoRockets Ray 64
= Better than all the rest MrsJones 64
= Team name 1 Danh84 64
= Tom's Team Two Twenty-Two Tom 2024 64
33rd Agent X20 mull3331 63
= Four Amigo Ferrari 2 Pbowden74 63
= Bevyboo Beverley 63
= Orange Romario 63
= Carnivorous Cabbages BottomBurps 63
= Spellbinding Witchwhey 63
= tyrrell Jim Clark 63
= Prancing Horses Dave Slater 63
34th Aardvarks united MS Racing 62
= DL-Ver-Sch-McL-Alfa David Latimer 62
= Ray's Rockets Ray 62
= Cathedral Maclarry 62
= I'll take a macaroni please Edgar pmclean87 62
= TRC 2022 davval49 62
= green team 62
= We Went Car Racing Dan Abrey 62
= Max-Lat-Alpha T-Aston M (aka Max Attack) MSM 62
35th Horace Minor MS Racing 61
= The wheels are still on 2022 davet 61
= PhipF5 PhipF1 61
= Burley's bodgers BurleyBear 61
= Michael Masi BarbaricAvatar 61
= Dib 4 Wheels Thomas40 61
= Billy's winners #2 Billy_no_mates 61
= McLander jack.lander4 61
= Inspiration Gslater 61
= QC-Ver-Ric-AM-Haas David Latimer 61
36th Nikita Mazewin MaxMussDasSein 60
= Docjonel Racing 1 JohnNelson 60
= Skidmark2 skidmark 60
= PhipF2 PhipF1 60
= PhipF3 PhipF1 60
= F1F1 David Penny 60
= Powell F1 Robros 60
37th Stihl Chainsaws jonhairs 59
= MaxStrAlpMer Maximo McWilliam 59
= Rebel racing 2 Smithde23 59
= Graceful Gunners adam 59
= Brown Helmets Simon Harris 59
= Tigger’s Terrors Karen 59
38th Davita Davita 58
= Peaky's prancers BurleyBear 58
= HeffaLumps BottomBurps 58
= Helliwell RC davval49 58
= Calspeed Callum 58
= Yellow Fixers C Team Ronald 58
= Witchwayward Witchwhey 58
= Old Macdonald selohmub 58
= Let'sseewhohasthebestcar MikeYellow 58
= Transcience Kitten 58
= Netflix Danh84 58
= Mr Nimbus Danh84 58
39th Conghurst Racing Oggy 57
= Smokers sirbobby 57
= Courtyard Maclarry 57
= Brooklands Beverley 57
= starlite 5 mi99 57
= Greatwhiteaussie GREATWHITEDALE 57
= Kiwi F1 Robros 57
= QRQ4 LHW_Flyers 57
= ana y angel Sangel905 57
= Edriz peter slater 57
= The Return of the K-Mag Dave Slater 57
40th Yeolmbridge Woodburners jonhairs 56
= River Attery kernow_rail 56
= Kernow Life kernow_rail 56
= Young guns ..... & Vettel! CJJAGO 56
= Abra Dubravka Racing LucasR17 56
= The Mercurials cool_driver 56
= Godders gamble goddersgamble 56
41st Prancing bulls Maximo McWilliam 55
= Gives You Wings andrea 55
= Lando of Hope & Glory cool_driver 55
= QRQ3 LHW_Flyers 55
= NathansTeam1 nathan latimer 55
= SteveSingoF1 stevesingo 55
= English Masterclass nathan latimer 55
= Larry nandos Lydia Smith 55
42nd Ashmans Speed Flyers cool_andy 54
= TRC2019 davval49 54
= Classical Trailers lynne 54
= PS 2 peter slater 54
= Come back all is forgiven lostboy 54
43rd Broadwoodwidger jonhairs 53
= Gozian GEORGE 53
= Four Amigo Ferrari Pbowden74 53
= Castle Maclarry 53
= Add lees add lees 53
= Multi22 Mr_Saturday 53
= Multi23 Mr_Saturday 53
= Definitely 10! CJJAGO 53
= Tomcat Thomas40 53
= MAXI puneeth 53
= Tunni is #1 Kathy 53
= Free Practice 2 dougf1 53
= How can i win with out help from race control lostboy 53
44th Double letters are faster dougf1 52
= No idea what I'm doing David Coverdale 52
= PhipF6 PhipF1 52
= Win with the winners Grundy Racing 52
= Multi26 Mr_Saturday 52
= McCormick-Honda NM22 Neil McCormick 52
= Beer Drinkers TREVOR 52
= Everest24 Tarjan 52
45th Bikes are better MS Racing 51
= Mair winning saucerboonie 51
= Multi21 Mr_Saturday 51
= At Least I Didn't Choose Haas This Time Ross McWilliam 51
46th Lanson jonhairs 50
= Hammy Got Robbed bluelionman 50
= Andylanjosh Davita 50
= G’s Dream Team Grundy Racing 50
= My team sucks! Pete (Brammers) 50
= Whatever Francey 50
= Scuderia Ferrari Scuderia Ferrari 50
= Team Bonehead madbob 50
= Everest36 Tarjan 50
47th BLM Racing bluelionman 49
= Oh No, My Team, It's Winning Smile Always 49
= Penélope Cruz BarbaricAvatar 49
= Tim's Trumps Tim Rees 49
= QC-Bot-Mag-Merc-Alp David Latimer 49
48th DL-Nor-Bot-Merc-Haas David Latimer 48
= Malteser GEORGE 48
= Burgess RC davval49 48
= Mazewin V2 MaxMussDasSein 48
= Pink Trombones Simon Harris 48
= flavored3 Rene Hoogvliet 48
= My Friends All Drive Porches Dave Slater 48
= Robbo's Road Runners "MERC 1" robbo 48
49th Crew 3 kernow_rail 47
= Majorsees Andy1960 47
= Red Five Uncle Frank 47
= PhipF1 PhipF1 47
= Mair crashing saucerboonie 47
= Who's Your Hero? MatchstickMan 47
= flavored5 Rene Hoogvliet 47
= Purposeful Porpoise neilsutton 47
50th Bram's hot rods Pete (Brammers) 46
= Meta Marvels Oggy 46
= Wallslammer wallslammer 46
= Chris 5 speedychris 46
= PhipF4 PhipF1 46
= Adams F1 gunners adam 46
= Muchen Taxi selohmub 46
51st Sunday Wonder Boys jonhairs 45
= harrys rustyw1974 45
= Red 5 Uncle Frank 45
= Pie in the Sky Bruinbear 45
= Ragnar Racing Andy Hodge 45
= Reporpoising Lotus 78 Ground Effect Parts riccardopatrese 45
= Blackpool3-CarlosFernandoAlphaAlfa Peter Latimer 45
= Blackpool5-AlbonBottasMercRenault Peter Latimer 45
= This has been manipulated man! MartinMPotter 45
= flavored2 Rene Hoogvliet 45
= Of Corsa I'm Gonna Win! Jenny Norton 45
= Three Brits, a Finn, a Dane and an American walk into a bar.. GirlFromTheGrid 45
= No 8 GridGirl 45
52nd Allotment Woes kernow_rail 44
= Rudd Grand Prix Jrc126 44
= Smudgers sirbobby 44
= SilverLichen Lichen 44
= Let’s go Lewis delstone 44
= The Right Toff Racers Jax2311 44
= Fed up winning DickDastardly 44
= TurraCoo Gasmanie 44
= Viva Italia! GirlFromTheGrid 44
53rd Sharp Racing Matthew 43
= New 17 Uncle Frank 43
= ALAW Jameserodgers 43
= Alan Tudyk BarbaricAvatar 43
= Multi25 Mr_Saturday 43
= Crash, bang, wallop JaneW 43
= The Dark side TREVOR 43
= Williams boys Uncle Frank 43
= PS 4 peter slater 43
= Zemily lnk1 43
= Anglo-Roman takeover AlexC 43
= DL-Bot-Str-Merc-Alp David Latimer 43
54th Ritavid Davita 42
= Cemetery Maclarry 42
= SpammySpam Steerpike 42
= Tom's Team Twenty Twenty-Two Tom 2024 42
= Watneys red barrel selohmub 42
= Winners!! lynne 42
= Globe Trotters TREVOR 42
= Everest72 Tarjan 42
55th jamers fastmen jamer 41
= TurboToby casjas 41
= Church Maclarry 41
= Artic Drift Gslater 41
= emilys pick nathan latimer 41
= The BritBoys GirlFromTheGrid 41
56th RusLatAlpAst Maximo McWilliam 40
= Smackers sirbobby 40
= Simply the best MrsJones 40
= Is it 10 or 11 times that we’ve been? Tim 40
= Ham-Oco-Aston M-Alpha R (aka Hammer Time) MSM 40
= Ioniq 5 bak1 40
= Yellow Fixers A Team Ronald 40
= Golden Rivets Simon Harris 40
= Everest48 Tarjan 40
= Docjonel Racing 2 JohnNelson 40
= flavored4 Rene Hoogvliet 40
= Robbo's Road Rage !! robbo 40
57th Red Devils Michael_Ashcroft 39
= ErSansa Eduardo 39
= Travelling Hopefully lynne 39
= Red Arrows selohmub 39
58th Reciprocating Saw kernow_rail 38
= Griff Gang Ashgriff13 38
= QRQ1 LHW_Flyers 38
= Boneheads madbob 38
= Metal Porpoises AlexC 38
= RD45 RedDawn 38
59th Pisstenbroke Anthony 37
= PFQ Racing teeder 37
= Clark 5 Thomas40 37
= PS 3 peter slater 37
60th Rockwell Racers jonhairs 36
= JRT Racing jrt55555 36
= Chris 1 speedychris 36
= Edgar’s downfall Blueraze 36
= Martins Lucky Guess Martin Raftery 36
= Witch won Witchwhey 36
= Beep Beep [W] Armcheerf1fan 36
= Brumbling along in the fast lane Martin_Brumble 36
61st Mexfan 3 Acme86 35
62nd Two years from home gjones1199 34
= Zccars Sheila Nicol 34
= Robin Hood racing team Robros 34
= PS 1 peter slater 34
= Wallriders Kitten 34
63rd Batchman Racing Batchman 33
= The Understated allan 33
= Multi24 Mr_Saturday 33
64th Working With A Chainsaw kernow_rail 32
= AD Revenge! gjones1199 32
= Green Romario 32
= Everest60 Tarjan 32
= Drive Sir and thrive Craigsbeard 32
65th Super Silvers sheila_ashcroft 31
= here we go again emmjaybee 31
= Hairy 2 Danh84 31
66th harrys4 rustyw1974 30
= No indicator lane change betaMax 30
= Everest12 Tarjan 30
67th Blue & Yellow mull3331 29
= Crusader Racing Grundy Racing 29
= Stick in at the gas pmclean87 29
= Some ponies Jewhoo 29
= Robinsons Racers LollyR 29
68th Leeds Untied BurgerVan 27
= harrys3 rustyw1974 27
= AndyJMansTeam AndyBISManInnit 27
69th Something in the air that night. valerie 26
= Mickey’s Muskateers Bethan_C 26
70th Red Roosters Simon Harris 25
= Hossie’s Hotrods Karen 25
71st DeAngelis Forever Mark Jones 24
72nd MaxGetsSmashed Hamiltonians 21
73rd Zoomin Marvellous Jason B 20
74th El Plan jack.lander4 19
75th complete novice Stuart Brace 18