Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Medway league scores

League Champion Gold Cup 2014

Spammy Spam

Owner: spammyspam
Final score: 1642pts  Score Breakdown

League Champion Silver Cup 2014


Owner: WillySwerve
Final score: 1633pts  Score Breakdown

League Champion Bronze Cup 2014

Turbo Boost

Final score: 1632pts  Score Breakdown

League Flat Tyre Champion 2014

I'd love it if we win

Owner: Phil Jupiler
Final score: 559pts  Score Breakdown
  • Description: Medway Council & Friends
  • No. of teams: Only 1 team per user is allowed to enter this league.
  • Allowed team types: Want to win
  • League cups are awarded to players in this league.
Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Spammy Spam spammyspam 1642
2nd Mercurial WillySwerve 1633
3rd Turbo Boost Desperados Dom 1632
4th Nikki Lada's Hot Wheels Nikki Lada 1576
5th Renault-no! Sean Davis 1401
6th DarkSide sithspawn 1330
7th Dom - Pete is faster than you, do you understand?! Pete (Brammers) 1254
8th Ragnor Racing Andy Hodge 1188
9th Rainbow Rocket Racers Mrs Hodge 1130
10th Of Corsa Jen's Gonna Win! Jenny Norton 1066
11th SpeeDee Racing Dee 1062
12th Priors nutts Steve Prior 1051
13th Black-Knight-Bandits Black-Knight-F1 1037
14th Turbo Chargers antiflow 1012
15th DILLIGAF emmjaybee 906
16th Don't be Darth'd Darth Turbo 851
17th Brown GP Brown GP 821
18th Burley Bear BurleyBear 769
19th Team Supersonic Jason B 738
20th PadohGP Padoh 704
21st Scuderia Daybar daybar Simon Day 693
22nd YellowBull Stephen Pantling 691
23rd Pedal Power Circuittime 686
24th Whatever Wendles 645
25th I'd love it if we win Phil Jupiler 559