Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2021 Bahraini Grand Prix league race scores

The FF1GP 'Want to win' league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Maui Maui CJJAGO 83
2nd RedDawnRacing RedDawn 82
3rd Prancing Horses Dave Slater 81
= QC-Ham-Raik-F-AT David Latimer 81
4th Yeolmbridge Woodburners jonhairs 80
= Ben's Team 1 Ben 80
= Lydia mith (the best and I’m going to win) Perez my button 80
= Brown Helmets Simon Harris 80
= Entente Cordiale GridGirl 80
5th Force India andrea 79
= Australian Authority GREATWHITEDALE 79
= Number 8? Craigsbeard 79
6th Green Romario 78
= Dib 4 Wheels Thomas40 78
= flavored6 Rene Hoogvliet 78
= Tigger's Terrors Karen 78
= Robbo's Road Rockets robbo 78
7th Piston Broke emmjaybee 77
= TRC2019 davval49 77
= SpeedyRog 1 Roger Cockerham 77
= Max2021 Puneeth 77
8th Peter1 peter slater 76
= Kiwi F1 Robros 76
= Raceday Racers silverflash 76
= Wisteria in the Pits dougf1 76
9th Rockwell Racers jonhairs 75
= Slim 47 Slim 47 75
= Blackpool1-HamRusFerAlT Peter Latimer 75
= Purple Mushrooms Simon Harris 75
= Robbo's Road Runners "MERC 1" robbo 75
10th Tunni 888 gjones1199 74
= BHC Racing mull3331 74
= More Likely 2021 Tom 2024 74
= LeclercKimiRebullAlpha Maximo McWilliam 74
= Waiting for 22 neilsutton 74
= Not The Comfy Seat RustyBoots 74
= Blackpool5-HamTsuFerAlf Peter Latimer 74
= LewGasFerrAlfa Maximo McWilliam 74
= Robbo's Road Runners robbo 74
11th premier sur la ligne Tim 73
= RONstopable winning mood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 73
= Cresent Dawn Gslater 73
12th Massive Idiots Slim 47 72
= San Miguel and a dry white wine CJJAGO 72
= FrenchCarsFailFast AlpineIan 72
= Ham-Gio-Ferrari-Alpha T MSM 72
= Prostnosis PsychoAtom 72
= Red is the New Black RedDawn 72
= Number Eight GridGirl 72
13th Racing Line Dancing MatchstickMan 71
= Murray's Walkers Maclarry 71
= Lando Perez Harri Wadham 71
= Ben's Team 2 Ben 71
= GreatWhiteSkidMarks GREATWHITEDALE 71
= A Dutchman, A Finn & Two Frenchmen went into a bar.. SPIDER 71
= Meta Marvels Oggy 71
= Team Houseman Russell Houseman 71
= Alfa Romeo and Juliet Dave Slater 71
= QC-Ver-Rai-F-AT David Latimer 71
= QC-Tsu-Raik-Red-F David Latimer 71
14th LHW-QRQ1 LHW_Flyers 70
= Mair Beaters DickDastardly 70
= Globe Trotters TREVOR 70
= Golden Rivets Simon Harris 70
= My Friends All Drive Porsches Dave Slater 70
15th Red 5 Uncle Frank 69
= Super Silvers sheila_ashcroft 69
= Edgar’s marauders F1 team Blueraze 69
= Peter2 peter slater 69
= HillGP2 hettah 69
= Dream Drivers CJJAGO 69
= Soapbox reserves gp tyregezzerjim 69
= Ritavid Davita 69
= Number 1? Craigsbeard 69
= Inch or a mile delstone 69
16th P 1 GridGirl 68
= Family champs? valerie 68
= Nae Mair Losing saucerboonie 68
= Tomcat Thomas40 68
= Strawberry Line dougf1 68
= Bernies Retirement Fund 2021 neilsutton 68
= Davita Davita 68
= Blackpool6-HamSaiAlTAlf Peter Latimer 68
17th jamers fastmen jamer 67
= Turbo Tobias casjas 67
= chris 2 speedychris 67
= Lady Lou spinneypj 67
= Team Minty humpf 67
= Tranquility Of Solitude Madjax 67
= Hit the Gas(ly) mrmikescho 67
= Dark Watch Gslater 67
= Blackpool2-VerRusFerAlT Peter Latimer 67
= Prius Of Love Racing Kris Ladner 67
= Chud 004 BizarreIsBack 67
18th At least mid table 2..... SpeedySam 66
= Less Likely 2021 Tom 2024 66
= RONstopable winning mood 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 66
= Andclasal Oggy 66
= Robbo's Rogue Runners robbo 66
19th And it's Go Go Go! Desperados Dom 65
= Veloci come una lippa roar 65
= Trundle8 slipstreamlimmer 65
= Ooh you are awful, but I like you Crash 65
= MissingRTL Hamiltonians 65
= Lostboy racing lostboy 65
= Flawed Floors neilsutton 65
= The Dark side TREVOR 65
= Beer Drinkers TREVOR 65
= Hossie's Hotrods Karen 65
= Wiiings Dave Slater 65
20th Allotment Woes kernow_rail 64
= Ernie - The Fastest Milk Cart in the West Batchman 64
= Bikes Are Better MS Racing 64
= BLM Racing bluelionman 64
= Hungry like theToto wolff Steve Smith 64
= Custard Queen Witchwhey 64
= Bullseye TREVOR 64
= The Right Toff Racers Jax2311 64
= Blackpool4-TsuRusRedFer Peter Latimer 64
= Double Dutch Dave Slater 64
= Letsseewhohasthebestcar MikeYellow 64
21st Markos' Retro Racers markopoloman 63
= Elgins Champions Elgin_McQueen 63
= Walker and Hunt Mark Jones 63
= Ross-KimiGaslyRedBullFerrari Ross McWilliam 63
= A Nine Oak Razz Madjax 63
= RedWitch Witchwhey 63
= Vers-Gio-Ferrari-Alpha T [aka Max Attack] MSM 63
= Red Roosters Simon Harris 63
= Super suzuki zoom suzuka gpf1 Super suzuki 63
= QC-Tsu-Rus-Merc-Alp David Latimer 63
22nd Max Gasly Harri Wadham 62
= Yuki Max Harri Wadham 62
= Horace Minor MS Racing 62
= Purple Patch BottomBurps 62
= All stars CJJAGO 62
= Silver Lightning Gslater 62
= Lewis and the hopefuls AlexC 62
= Robbo's Roadhogs robbo 62
= Gucci & Prada GridGirl 62
23rd Akie Romeo Dolphin_Akie 61
= Historian Maclarry 61
= GT Racing Dartmoor Falcon 61
= Team Rachel bak1 61
= the wheels are on 2021 davet 61
= Ross-KimiGeorgeAstonMcLaren Ross McWilliam 61
= Guinness Geniuses B Team Chris Godridge 61
= Tim's Trumps Tim Rees 61
= Betatauri MaddieFringe 61
= Silver Lichen 2021 Lichen 61
= flavored3 Rene Hoogvliet 61
= Lostboy racing 2 lostboy 61
= HHF3 Aixsk 61
24th Mika Hakkinen BarbaricAvatar 60
= NCC-74656 BarbaricAvatar 60
= McLaren FTW CrustySarfish 60
= Sharp Racing Matthew 60
= Skidmark1 skidmark 60
= SpammySpam3xleaguewinner Steerpike 60
= Chelsea F1 Uncle Frank 60
= Stroll in the Park Killermancarro 60
= Team Pris bak1 60
= Hey! Give Me Gloves and Steering Wheel! alpesh26 60
= flavored5 Rene Hoogvliet 60
25th hentiesloop3 Hentie van As 59
= rjp racing2 RJP883 59
= At least mid table 1..... SpeedySam 59
= HillGP hettah 59
= Best of Friends Dave Slater 59
= Chud 001 BizarreIsBack 59
= Chud 002 BizarreIsBack 59
= Chud 002 BizarreIsBack 59
= The TMR Josephrevell 59
= Schumi and Alonso are still driving?! PhillyLake 59
= Tortuos Trailers lynne 59
26th The Mad Maxness of King George MrsJones 58
= Four Throws Racing Oggy 58
= Sai-Gio-Rd Bll-Alp T- [aka Don't count ur Hondas til they hatch] MSM 58
= U R X L N T Armcheerf1fan 58
= Elliot’s Entrepreneurs Bethan_C 58
= Red Bullish Billy_no_mates 58
27th Four Amigo Ferrari Pbowden74 57
= It's goodnight from me and it’s goodnight from him Crash 57
= Ripp Bull ripp 57
= Champs 2021 Tom 2024 57
= WTW Racing bluelionman 57
= Banbury Blaster Madjax 57
= Rouge Raiders selohmub 57
= GP BEARS starwarrior68 57
= Andylanjosh Davita 57
= Blackpool3-PerSchMcLWil Peter Latimer 57
= Max’s team Daniel n 57
= Gasbull Danh84 57
= QC-Ham-Alo-AT-W David Latimer 57
28th mercury selohmub 56
= Chris1 speedychris 56
= starlite5 mi99 56
= Team Zara bak1 56
= Carnivorous Cabbages BottomBurps 56
= Frances# Francey 56
= Midfielders might be mighty cool_driver 56
= Go! Go! Go! AlexC 56
= Massa Still Sucks!!! JOHN3057 56
= Goat Danh84 56
29th Bram's hot rods Pete (Brammers) 55
= And yet again . . . MrsJones 55
= Mairs nightmare F1 team Blueraze 55
= Just In Case 2021 Tom 2024 55
= flavored1 Rene Hoogvliet 55
= Lando Danh84 55
= Papaya pirate Danh84 55
30th Denial of Fate BarbaricAvatar 54
= HAASKI LASTSKI CrustySarfish 54
= The iffies iffies 54
= Conghurst Racing Oggy 54
= Some ponies Jewhoo 54
= HelliwellRC davval49 54
= BurgessRC davval49 54
= SLO-AS-F linz500 54
= Taylor F1 jrt55555 54
= Flight of the Valteri Killermancarro 54
= Turn the enghine up to max cool_driver 54
31st the fast men jamer 53
= trumpton f1 trumpton f1 53
= Geo-Hel GEORGE 53
= Zed Ferarri zambian4lyfe 53
= Mad Greek Uncle Frank 53
= The Waitrose Wagon jack.lander4 53
= Winner winner Chicken Dinner jack.lander4 53
= AlonRussFerrMcL Maximo McWilliam 53
= The Mercurials cool_driver 53
= Mercedes broken again james 53
= Docjonel Racing 2 JohnNelson 53
= Runningman Runningman 53
= Sergio Perez Appreciation Society Dan Abrey 53
= ShorehamSchumachers JEnglish 53
32nd One of Our Drivers is Missing kernow_rail 52
= Mercedes F1 pjpj 52
= A BRITISH TEAM FTW CrustySarfish 52
= Rackham Maclarry 52
= Pierre Hamilton Harri Wadham 52
= Peaky's prancers BurleyBear 52
= Hungry like the Toto wolff Steve Smith 52
= Lewis Badminton jack.lander4 52
= Tim's Titans Tim Rees 52
= Gives You Wings andrea 52
= JT Racing jrt55555 52
= Yellow Belters Simon Harris 52
= Fast and Furious Juggarnaut1 52
= Andy's Aces abaird 52
= RIP Murray - forever in our hearts & ears Armcheerf1fan 52
= Robbo's Roadblock robbo 52
33rd Sunday Wonder Boys jonhairs 51
= Working With A Chainsaw kernow_rail 51
= rjp racing RJP883 51
= Zoom Zoom Jason Brooks 51
= SingoFWannabes stevesingo 51
34th Mudhogs sirbobby 50
= Lando Lance Lander jack.lander4 50
= Al Pine Witchwhey 50
= Robin Hood racing team Robros 50
= Hot Wheel Bears starwarrior68 50
= Powell F1 Robros 50
= Peter4 peter slater 50
= Money-Penny Danh84 50
= Clan Racing Grundy Racing 50
35th Stihl Chainsaws jonhairs 49
= Superhoops TYREDOUT999 49
= Valentino Beverley 49
= Crazy Daisy MS Racing 49
= Clark 5 Thomas40 49
= van Dutch Racing bluelionman 49
= Big H Uncle Frank 49
= Oranje boven antiflow 49
= Pink Trombones Simon Harris 49
= Of Corsa I'm Gonna Win! Jenny Norton 49
36th Crew 3 kernow_rail 48
= Bottas 27.0 - still rubbish. CrustySarfish 48
= Mudpies sirbobby 48
= There's nothing wrong with the car except it's on fire Pete (Brammers) 48
= Geo/Hel GEORGE 48
= Geo+Hel GEORGE 48
= Jenson's Hendrix Experience MS Racing 48
= Iamveryintellectul MaxMussDasSein 48
= No Farke'in Way Matt Kett 48
= Cheeky Nandos neilsutton 48
= Docjonel Racing 1 JohnNelson 48
= G’s dream team Grundy Racing 48
37th Team Max V mull3331 47
= Rickman Beverley 47
= Burley's bodgers BurleyBear 47
= TurraCoo Gasmanie 47
= Two Bit Floosie Witchwhey 47
= Monda selohmub 47
= QC-Ver-Alo-AT-W David Latimer 47
= English Racing Luke English 47
38th Darkside sithspawn 46
= One Thousand Odd Horsepower Of Grunt MatchstickMan 46
= Speedychris speedychris 46
= Howie’s Nightmare DickDastardly 46
= Top of the Pops Uncle Frank 46
= Lance Lando Lander jack.lander4 46
= flavored2 Rene Hoogvliet 46
39th ABOUT TIME THEY FOUND A CURE kernow_rail 45
= SoapboxGP tyregezzerjim 45
= Stayman stayman 45
= Norfolk & Chance GCorser1 45
= Ashman's Speedy Racers cool_andy 45
= VillaVangelis@Lefkada Madjax 45
= McCormick-Mercedes Neil McCormick 45
= Where's Porsche? Neil Hughes 45
= I Monza Brink of Insanity Ken English 45
40th Broadwoodwidger jonhairs 44
= the challengers jamer 44
= Hirst Hybrids John Taylor 44
= LoopyLoo linz500 44
= SpeedyRog 2 Roger Cockerham 44
= backofthegrid silvester 44
= Tunni is #1 Kathy 44
41st LHW-QRQ3 LHW_Flyers 43
= Zoom JaneW 43
= flavored4 Rene Hoogvliet 43
= Chud 005 BizarreIsBack 43
42nd The understateds allan 42
= Motorsport JRT jrt55555 42
43rd Mudskippers sirbobby 41
= Mair winning saucerboonie 41
= Persian Sprockets Madjax 41
= orange juice selohmub 41
= Team Houseman 2 Russell Houseman 41
= Hoping Ferrari have a better season! Billy_no_mates 41
44th Dangerous Occupation kernow_rail 40
= Spin Lewis, Spin! markopoloman 40
= Yellow Fixers Ronald 40
= Ragnar Racing Andy Hodge 40
= NovaF1 Gasmanie 40
= Fast and furious 2 Juggarnaut1 40
= Back up plan (Team Roy) PhillyLake 40
45th Bevetton bevetton 39
= upskirt marzipan markopoloman 39
= Elgins Losers Elgin_McQueen 39
= Lance Stroll stans unite OllyInwards 39
= Mudbaths sirbobby 39
= pistonbrokeagain pistonbrokeagain 39
= Schrödinger's Cats BottomBurps 39
= No more GP2 engines in this team Armcheerf1fan 39
= Sunday Best jante 39
46th The stars were bright, Fernando! markopoloman 38
= Tunni is #2 Kathy 38
= A wildcard midfielder selection Billy_no_mates 38
= Classical Chasers lynne 38
47th JAMMWinners JammDiVerde 37
= Give Me Gloves and Steering Wheel alpesh26 37
= Chud 003 BizarreIsBack 37
= Chezzas Chariots Grundy Racing 37
= Winners!! lynne 37
48th Team Greakin Decani_alto 36
= Tunni 666 gjones1199 36
= Peter3 peter slater 36
= Aesgarth wtw Aesgarth 36
= Hamilton Moans Again Daniel n 36
49th The Black Pearl BarbaricAvatar 35
= Olga Beverley 35
= Uncle Frank Uncle Frank 35
50th Flying Falcons Lee Pearce 34
= Black Start (not) Neil Hughes 34
= Travelling Hopefully lynne 34
51st JSD RACING jazzyd 33
= Danny Alonso Harri Wadham 33
= Wheelie Winners Henessey_Venom 33
52nd Blowhards BottomBurps 32
53rd Team Toffee humpf 31
54th LHW-QRQ2 LHW_Flyers 30
= Elgins Underdogs Elgin_McQueen 30
= Red Devils Michael_Ashcroft 30
= Drip of a Tap Madjax 30
= Mega Racing Pension top up 30
55th Elgins Midtablers Elgin_McQueen 29
= Class 1C Cars mull3331 29
= Top up Pension top up 29
56th Reindeer Maclarry 28
57th RG will destroy RC ;) CrustySarfish 27
58th Lanson jonhairs 26
= Godders’ gamble goddersgamble 26