Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2023 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st VanderSuck Vandergrift 93
2nd Maroon Romario 83
3rd The Black Pearl BarbaricAvatar 82
4th Davita Davita 81
5th Blackpool6_Zani Peter Latimer 80
= Same $h!t Repeated MatchstickMan 80
6th Orange Romario 79
= Beer Drinkers TREVOR 79
= Not The Comfy Seat RustyBoots 79
7th Vanden Plas bak1 77
= Max the Great Clayton 77
= DL-Nor-Alb-RB-H David Latimer 77
= Prancing Horses Dave Slater 77
= Flawed Floors Part 2 neilsutton 77
8th Robbo's Road Runners robbo 76
= Peter2 peter slater 76
= RONstopable winning mood RedBaRON 76
= Alfa Romeo + Juliet Dave Slater 76
9th Mika Hakkinen BarbaricAvatar 75
= Robbo's Rapid Runners robbo 75
= Drivers Over Teams '23 Tom 2024 75
= DL-Hulk-Alb-RB-AM David Latimer 75
= Brown Helmets Simon Harris 75
= Double Trouble GridGirl 75
10th Caseys Commanders 4 caseys5 74
= AK’s Winners allan 74
= Red Bull Winners Izzy03 74
= Connor Racing Bois CPoulain1 74
= Surrey GP Superstars starwarrior68 74
= Flying dutchmen antiflow 74
= DL-Ver-Alo-AR-H David Latimer 74
= Blackpool4_Izzy Peter Latimer 74
11th Horace Minor MS Racing 73
= i have gold wheels 2023 davet 73
= G Fed Racing bluelionman 73
= Peter 3 peter slater 73
= Black Marlin 80mph dougf1 73
= Blackpool1_Peter Peter Latimer 73
= Hulkenback Dave Slater 73
= Slim 47 Slim 47 73
12th Naboo Dave 72
= Aldaraan Dave 72
= LFC on wheels Lfc on wheels 72
= Crazy Daisy MS Racing 72
= Down and Dirty dougf1 72
= Burley's bodgers BurleyBear 72
= Max attack! Martin_Brumble 72
= Blackpool2_Trish Peter Latimer 72
= Golden Rivets Simon Harris 72
13th Bullseye TREVOR 71
= Do you want Vries with that? delstone 71
= McCormick OMG Neil McCormick 71
= The Right Toff Racers Jax2311 71
= Destined to win . . . or fail heroically MSM 71
= Docjonel Racing 2 JohnNelson 71
= Pk2023 puneeth 71
14th Purple Mushrooms Simon Harris 70
= Red Bull Gives You Wings Dan Abrey 70
= DL-Rus-deV-F-W David Latimer 70
= Wiiings Dave Slater 70
= Robbo's Roadhogs robbo 70
= Pink Trombones Simon Harris 70
= You Bet My Hedge GridGirl 70
15th The Silly Slicks adam 69
= ABBA ATS F1 Team Desperados Dom 69
= Oranje Force Racing bluelionman 69
= BLM Racing bluelionman 69
= Smoking Tyres in Blankets Pete (Brammers) 69
= Robbo's Rogue Runners robbo 69
= It's tough at the top! Martin_Brumble 69
= DL-Nor-Alb-Mer-AM David Latimer 69
= Alonso Magic Craigsbeard 69
= Massive Idiots Slim 47 69
= Red Roosters Simon Harris 69
16th Tatooine Dave 68
= Skidmark2 skidmark 68
= The predictables allan 68
= Behind the rest Blueraze 68
= Greatwhitedale GREATWHITEDALE 68
= Mr Batch,s Boys Batchman 68
= WINGING IT GridGirl 68
= Tim's Titans Tim Rees 68
= Tim's Trumps Tim Rees 68
= The Dream Team DickDastardly 68
= Teams Over Drivers '23 Tom 2024 68
= DL-Ver-Bot-AM-H David Latimer 68
= Astros 2005 Astros 2005 68
= If You Play Your Cards Right MatchstickMan 68
17th Dagobah Dave 67
= Coruscant Dave 67
= Aardvark Academy MS Racing 67
= Green Romario 67
= Globe Trotters TREVOR 67
= Conghurst Racing Oggy 67
= You've been Max'd 2023 cool_driver 67
= Andylanjosh Davita 67
= Blackpool3_Alex Peter Latimer 67
18th You won’t like me when I’m cross valerie 66
= Mulsanne lnk1 66
= Hungry like the Toto Wolf Steve Smith 66
= Michael This Is Not Right! MartinMPotter 66
= This team has to be a winner . . . . surely MSM 66
= Bernies Retirement Fund 2023 neilsutton 66
= Tractor5 Thomas Dibble 66
= Likely To Lead MatchstickMan 66
= Weston Woodworkers jonhairs 66
= Formula 1A Hernan 66
19th Bikes are better MS Racing 65
= Crash Bandits sirbobby 65
= Hairpins Maclarry 65
= RONstopable winning mood 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 65
= Tom Cat Thomas Dibble 65
20th Little Fellas Racing Tweetlebeetle 64
= Melski_Motors_GP Melski_Motors 64
= Mudguards sirbobby 64
= Black Romario 64
= Red Witch Witchwhey 64
= Ernie's Milk Carts RustyBoots 64
= A load of Red Bull Martin_Brumble 64
= WTF Verstappened? mrmikescho 64
= The Hulk is back Craigsbeard 64
= K-Benz kishj 64
21st River Attery kernow_rail 63
= Nigel’s Red 5 Cutred 63
= Oldie F1 Blueraze 63
= Lostbulls lostboy 63
= Alfa Romeo'sssss GREATWHITEDALE 63
= Turra Coo GP Gasmanie 63
= SpammySpam Steerpike 63
= Tunni is #2 Kathy 63
= Hulk Smash delstone 63
= Lando &Lander Witchwhey 63
= ana f1 2023 juan jose 63
= Ha Ha Haas Steve Smith 63
= jamers fastmen jamer 63
= Scuderia Aldoori AAF1 63
= Szenti F1 vila77 63
= PFQ Racing teeder 63
= RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 63
= Docjonel Racing 1 JohnNelson 63
= flavored1 Rene Hoogvliet 63
= flavored3 Rene Hoogvliet 63
= MaxAloAlfaHaas Maximo McWilliam 63
= Hairpin Danh84 63
= Max Vercrashen nathan latimer 63
= Blickster’s Tricksters Blickster's F1 63
= old school nathan latimer 63
= RedDawnRacing RedDawn 63
= Robbo's Road Rockets robbo 63
22nd Bram's hot rods Pete (Brammers) 62
= Ray's Rockets Ray 62
= finish first BigDog 62
= Greek Connection Uncle Frank 62
= The Iffies. iffies 62
= Witch End Witchwhey 62
= have a go joe jamer 62
= Georgia Yankees Georgia Yankees 62
= Hossie's Hotrods Karen 62
= Another Procession part 1 mull3331 62
23rd Caseys Commanders caseys5 61
= Gozian GEORGE 61
= SteveSingoF1 stevesingo 61
= BringbackRicciardio TheBower 61
= Blackpool5_Max Peter Latimer 61
24th Outsiders David Roberts 60
= Told you so! valerie 60
= Strolling back to Daddy Lee O 60
= Fantom F1 vila77 60
= flavored4 Rene Hoogvliet 60
25th Andclasal Oggy 59
= harrys rustyw1974 59
= Dream team 59
= Canabud f1 Cannabud 59
= Mistborn Flyers ggillespieuk 59
= No Hopers sirbobby 59
= First Benders Maclarry 59
= EAHOCJEFL Razor6I 59
= Super silvere sheila_ashcroft 59
= speedychris 1 speedychris 59
= Witchever Witchwhey 59
= bournville boys jamer 59
26th Brooklands Beverley 58
= Vittesse bak1 58
= TRC2019 davval49 58
= Some ponies Jewhoo 58
= George, Esteban & the Aston/Alpha T Dragons cool_driver 58
= Aquos GP Aquos 58
= Totally . . bad . as . s? MSM 58
= return of the hulk nathan latimer 58
= Sharp Racing Matthew 58
27th LOSTBOYS 2 lostboy 57
= G & H GEORGE 57
= Mr J2 MrsJones 57
= Alan Tudyk BarbaricAvatar 57
28th Howard way Uncle Frank 56
= Powell F1 Robros 56
= Morris Minor GEORGE 56
= RedSunday RedDawn 56
29th Caseys Commanders 5 caseys5 55
= nocando nocando 55
= Meta Marvels Oggy 55
= Rapid Racers Jason B 55
= RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 55
= Robbo's Road Rage !! robbo 55
= Tiger JaneW 55
30th Geonosis Dave 54
= daddioz4 daddioz 54
= Weatherwax Beverley 54
= The wheels are off again 2023 davet 54
= Max Power delstone 54
= I didn't predict that! cool_driver 54
= Holy predictions . . . . batman MSM 54
= Aston Martini Laura ireland 54
= Melski_Motors_GP2 Melski_Motors 54
= Melski_Motors_GP2 Melski_Motors 54
= Matt VerLatimer Izzy and Trish 54
31st Mike Sanderson Mikesanderson 53
= Red 5 Uncle Frank 53
= Freddies Ferrari’s ABatchelor 53
= Speedychris 3 speedychris 53
= Kiwi F1 Robros 53
= Aesgarth Aesgarth 53
= Smooth operators Laura ireland 53
= Rally to the Chequered Flag dougf1 53
32nd Inspiration Gslater 52
= Decider Gslater 52
33rd Bram's multi-1-2-3 team Pete (Brammers) 51
= Serenity BarbaricAvatar 51
= MB Predicts? #2 [DeV/Alo/RedB/Wil] Martin_Brumble 51
= Tigger's Terrors Karen 51
34th Sunday Wonder Boys jonhairs 50
= Mair chance of coming last saucerboonie 50
= Alonso, Bottas & a double dose of Ferrari power cool_driver 50
= out of the retirement home nathan latimer 50
= StupidPunt SpiderMonkey 50
= No, It's a Cardigan, But Thanks For Noticing MatchstickMan 50
35th Midna GEORGE 49
= Peter 1 peter slater 49
= Ritavid Davita 49
= Of Corsa Norton's Gonna Win! Jenny Norton 49
= Guinness Geniuses B Team Chris Godridge 49
36th Stihl Chainsaws jonhairs 48
= GPower casjas 48
= Turn 1 air2713 48
= Ho hum gjones1199 48
= Edriz peter slater 48
= Losboys lostboy 48
= VanderAwesome Vandergrift 48
= Predictions . . . my ar*e MSM 48
= The Speeders The Speeders 48
= LastYear Lichen 48
= English Masterclass nathan latimer 48
= No porpoise to life neilsutton 48
= Yellow Belters Simon Harris 48
38th i predict 3 wheels again davet 46
= Colby City Maclarry 46
= Red devils Michael_Ashcroft 46
= Lords of Speeding Tonestar69 46
39th Botthaas Gian 45
= Caseys Commanders 2 caseys5 45
= Ashman Speedy Flyers cool_andy 45
= Melita GEORGE 45
= Peter4 peter slater 45
= Vielhaber F1 Vielhaber F1 45
= Artic Drift Gslater 45
= MB Predicts? #1 [Per/Rus/AlpT/Wil] Martin_Brumble 45
40th Rockwell Racers jonhairs 44
= back sack 'n crack BigDog 44
= The wheels are off 2023 davet 44
41st Sunday Drivers alanna_parry 43
= Caseys Commanders 3 caseys5 43
= daddiozs daddioz 43
= Top of the pop Uncle Frank 43
= George GEORGE 43
= Massie GEORGE 43
= Bakey Beans Alex Charrett 43
= hot_waterbottles ben10racing 43
42nd Chelsea f1 Uncle Frank 42
= flavored6 Rene Hoogvliet 42
= Another Procession part 2 mull3331 42
43rd harrys3 rustyw1974 41
= GZoom casjas 41
= This is the one tims top team 41
= Max Spankage Hamiltonians 41
= Keep smiling. Hamiltonians 41
= Cheetah 0-60 mph in 3 secs dougf1 41
= the challengers jamer 41
= Obiku Racing loizos250 41
= Raleigh Scruffs Raleigh Scruffs 41
44th Flying Spur lnk1 40
= Crescent Dawn Gslater 40
45th Well we tried! valerie 39
= Yellow Fixers A Team Ronald 39
= Lego Knights Maclarry 39
= Mr J MrsJones 39
= The Dark side TREVOR 39
= NovaF1 Gasmanie 39
= Tunni is #1 Kathy 39
= flavored2 Rene Hoogvliet 39
= The Tricky Final Team neilsutton 39
46th Wheel Nuts sirbobby 38
= Three years from home gjones1199 38
= Has anyone got a spanner? cool_driver 38
= My Friends All Drive Porches Dave Slater 38
47th Knight Errant knight errant 37
48th LOSERS! allan 36
= Peaky's prancers BurleyBear 36
= HelliwellRC davval49 36
= Pished in Tenerife DickDastardly 36
= Aesgarth2 Aesgarth 36
= If all else fails . . oh it just did! Martin_Brumble 36
= Godders gamble goddersgamble 36
49th Aston Martin Whitmarsh Dave Slater 35
50th Yellow Fixers Ronald 34
= JSA F1 John adams 34
= Speedy Chris speedychris 34
= Some nags Jewhoo 34
= Backofthegrid silvester 34
= ClunkerF1 Jackattack2002 34
51st lew val mcl alpha nathan latimer 33
52nd BurgessRC davval49 32
= Mercky Junior AlexC 32
= Pride Before Downfall MatchstickMan 32
53rd Bram's frozen rods Pete (Brammers) 31
= Speedychris 2 speedychris 31
54th I predict a win 2023 davet 30
= The Boys Are Back AlexC 30
= Deja Vu GirlFromTheGrid 30
55th Lando Will Never Win Lee O 29
56th Mrs J you absolute f@££ing legend! MrsJones 28
= Michael Masi BarbaricAvatar 28
= helldrivers silvester 28
= On a slow road to nowhere cool_driver 28
57th Smokin . . . engine MSM 27
58th Clark5 Thomas Dibble 26
59th also rans jamer 23
60th Mair chance o crashing saucerboonie 22
= F1 Mercs before the bad times! riccardopatrese 22
61st Lincolnshire sausage Uncle Frank 21
62nd Crew 3 kernow_rail 18
= Robin Hood F1 Robros 18
= flavored5 Rene Hoogvliet 18
63rd starlite5 mi99 13
64th finger in the air BigDog 0
= Rothesay gp Barmyrover @71 0
= THE MUTTSNUTS dickzodiak 0
= Yellow Fixers B Team Ronald 0
= Yellow Fixers C Team Ronald 0
= Gasly Little Man Lee O 0
= Steph1 stephan_brosseau 0
= Predictions Vandergrift 0
= Blickster’s Tricksters (Predictions Only) Blickster's F1 0