Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2019 Belgian Grand Prix league race scores

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The FF1GP World Championship league race scores

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st Point Brake Dave Slater 95
2nd Andylanjosh Davita 92
3rd Bygone Palmer Steve H 90
4th Cresent Dawn Gslater 90
5th SpearheadF1 SpearheadF1 87
6th Oh no lapped again Mark Jones 86
8th Blackpool4-Ferrari Peter Latimer 86
9th Janet's Gems MrsJones 84
10th Red XIII Dave 84
11th Red Witch Witchwhey 83
12th Tifa Dave 82
13th Woofwoof humpf 82
14th Conghurst Racing Oggy 82
15th M-R-H Danh84 82
16th Blackpool3-Mercedes Peter Latimer 81
17th Gozian GEORGE 80
18th Beer Drinkers TREVOR 80
19th Tortuous Trailers lynne 80
20th Cavallo Nero GridGirl 80
21st LHW-QRQ3 LHW_Flyers 79
22nd Eddie Milton 79
23rd Mairs Tormentors DickDastardly 79
24th GreatWhiteDale GREATWHITEDALE 78
25th LostWheels Richard Baird 78
26th Marko's Canteen of Retro markopoloman 77
27th Scuderia Testacoda roar 77
28th The wheels are staying on davet 77
29th flavored1 Rene Hoogvliet 77
30th Robbo's Roadhogs robbo 77
31st anyone but lewis to win greg paige 77
32nd Charlie's Angels MrsJones 76
33rd Silver lichen 2019 Lichen 76
34th Arrive well gone selohmub 76
35th Mair points saucerboonie 76
36th Team Grumps Russell Houseman 76
37th Robros F1 Robros 76
38th Spanking Bottas Again Hamiltonians 76
39th Witchend Witchwhey 75
40th Prancing Horses Dave Slater 75
41st Seb's "LINA" and Meaner ! robbo's missus 75
42nd Stroll home Gasly valerie 74
43rd Purple Mushrooms Simon Harris 74
44th Amblosers ambroid77 74
45th Burley's bodgers BurleyBear 74
46th QC-LeC-Gas-Tor-Will David Latimer 74
47th Giovan,Mag,Red Bull,Renault {Bosh!= no messing with names here!) Billy_no_mates 74
48th Wiiings Dave Slater 74
49th Lewis and the Hulk Craigsbeard 74
50th Mad H Uncle Frank 73
51st Supposedly Faster Tom 2024 73
52nd MSM - 'Get in there Lewis' 2019 MSM 73
53rd Wishin' Minnow neilsutton 73
54th Ice Ice Baby dougf1 73
55th Crew 3 kernow_rail 72
56th melita GEORGE 72
57th Kubica Bottas Haas Renault(no messing=no fancy team names here!) Billy_no_mates 72
58th Turning Japanese MatchstickMan 72
59th Grey Romario 71
60th Giovinazzi No Likea La Paparazzi Lee O 71
61st Davita Davita 71
62nd Nick Bells Nick Stuart Bell 71
63rd My Friends All Drive Porsches Dave Slater 71
64th Kinda Lingers BarbaricAvatar 70
65th Ferret up you trousers dougf1 70
66th RicciarGo Racing WillySwerve 70
67th Clueless Wendles 70
68th I spent 35 million & just got this bunch of losers Mr T 70
69th Speedy Linz 2 linz500 69
70th Pole Position Dancers Batchman 69
71st Scania ESTRON 69
72nd RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se RedBaRON 69
73rd Washed Out neilsutton 69
74th Maximo-KimiLanceFerrToro Ross McWilliam 69
75th Team Limey Team Limey 68
76th SazNEddie Macqueen95 68
77th B-52 OWEN 68
78th Dante's Donkeys BottomBurps 68
79th NS Formula Won - NSFW neilsutton 68
80th some cars playzooki 68
81st Blackpool1-Hamilton Peter Latimer 68
82nd MB Predictions Team Martin_Brumble 68
83rd Burberry & Bottega Veneta GridGirl 68
84th Only flat at the bottom Pfowler 68
85th Got to be Williams gjones1199 67
86th Black Romario 67
87th They don’t like it up ‘em! Crash 67
88th I Like Toast BarbaricAvatar 67
89th Sharp Racing Matthew 67
90th BLM Racing bluelionman 67
91st Yorkies Heroes chrisf4 67
92nd Tranquility Of Solitude Madjax 67
93rd flavored3 Rene Hoogvliet 67
94th Speedy Sam A SpeedySam 67
95th Pitstop blunders ambroid77 67
96th Howies Nemesis DickDastardly 67
97th White Widow OWEN 67
98th Tigger-Oggy OWEN 67
99th MSM - Nico & Danii drive like they have Alpha Red B*llocks MSM 67
100th themuttsnuts dickzodiak 67
101st Stormlight Powered sgillespieuk 67
102nd RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se 1 RedBaRON 67
103rd Bernies Retirement Fund 2019 neilsutton 67
104th Robbo's Roadsters robbo 67
105th Can Lewis win title #6 and make me a winner too cool_driver 67
106th Vettel to be victorious cool_driver 67
107th Team MB Martin_Brumble 67
108th My first foray into the LOSE League - maybe my last!! Martin_Brumble 67
109th ProDragons Bumpkins ProDragonfire 67
110th I don’t believe it! Crash 66
111st Elgin Engines Elgin_McQueen 66
112nd Crusty the Clownfish CrustySarfish 66
113rd Wannabees sirbobby 66
114th Barret Dave 66
115th ryanpat pajan 66
116th Bygone Brands Hatch Steve H 66
117th I don't have any other fantasy team names supermariorp 66
118th Not a chance justcallmeaj 66
119th Massive Idiots Slim 47 66
120th Nitro Nathan chris 66
121st Robbo's Road Runners robbo 66
122nd I love Williams - hate that they are so rubbish right now Britastic1 66
123rd Armie's Predictions Armcheerf1fan 66
124th G squad Gordy 66
125th Hot Regs Rutger hot regs 66
126th LiftonBaldyOldies NelsonPK 65
127th Peter s1 peter slater 65
128th Jami Toto humpf 65
129th Red Roosters Simon Harris 65
130th Pink Trombones Simon Harris 65
131st RedBulls@t Chris Lowery 65
132nd QC-Merc-Mc-Mag-Kv David Latimer 65
133rd RONstopable winning mood 1 RedBaRON 65
134th Galway's Pride Lefty47 65
135th Ross-KimiDaniilMercHaas Ross McWilliam 65
136th even more cars playzooki 65
137th AlwaysLoosen Honeycomb 65
138th DerekBellend NelsonPK 64
139th Not Like This beeno 64
140th Hope springs eternal Tony Catalfano 64
141st Wow, now I can get six! Raimundo Nonato 64
142nd Yellow Belters Simon Harris 64
143rd Adam adams 64
144th Kudos slipstreamlimmer 64
145th Seb take the Prancing Horse to the Vet Harri Wadham 64
146th Ragnor Racing Andy Hodge 64
147th Swan Speed One Titanium 64
148th Witchway Witchwhey 64
149th I know what I'm doing Craigsbeard 64
150th TinksGP4 Tinksgp 64
151st R-A****** kernow_rail 63
152nd Who? What ? Why? Where? When? emmjaybee 63
153rd ChickenChasers NelsonPK 63
154th To the End of the Earth Hiro 63
155th Chelsea F1 Uncle Frank 63
156th Ed Sake Macqueen95 63
157th SpammySpam spammyspam 63
158th what no fin lostboy 63
159th Maximo-KvyatAntonioRedbullRenault Ross McWilliam 63
160th The Lucky Losers Sam Weller 63
161st No. 6 GridGirl 63
162nd Yeolmbridge Woodburners jonhairs 62
163rd Jenson Loves Brittny MS Racing 62
164th Horace Minor MS Racing 62
165th Speedy Rog 2 Roger Cockerham 62
166th Mika Hakkinen BarbaricAvatar 62
167th Deleted *** ***** FF1GP Admin 62
168th GreatWhiteDale2 GREATWHITEDALE 62
169th Winnerz Lefty47 62
170th Want to win get a fin lostboy 62
171st Peaky's prancers BurleyBear 62
172nd Still no fin lostboy 62
173rd Olive ***** DeanoPiano 62
174th Lentoni Strappamutande roar 61
175th Fastcircuit Beverley 61
176th Budski Milton 61
177th The Falcons of the Millennium Geoff K 61
178th Potens Renault F1 bak1 61
179th Elgin Ain't Got A Chance Elgin_McQueen 60
180th Retro Gamer's Crusty Starfish * CrustySarfish 60
181st Haas Team Dinner drive thru Pete (Brammers) 60
182nd RuSport RuSport 60
183rd Brawn Cocktail Tom Bellamy 60
184th Godders gamble goddersgamble 60
185th Globe Trotters TREVOR 60
186th LK Vanden Plas 1 lnk1 60
187th KimiKvytMercHaas BizarreIsBack 60
188th Some ponies Jewhoo 60
189th Pop's Podium Posers robbo's missus 60
190th Lewis is my boy - with the Sauber (sorry Alpha-R!) cool_driver 60
191st TinksGP1 Tinksgp 60
192nd Cool Driver loser team cool_driver 60
193rd Skidz Jason Brooks 60
194th Itchy Bitchy Witches Thebitchywitch 60
195th Silver Romario 59
196th Speedy Rog 1 Roger Cockerham 59
197th LHW-Pred LHW_Flyers 59
198th Walker & Hunt Mark Jones 59
199th Golden Rivets Simon Harris 59
200th Meta Marvels Oggy 59
201st Scorpio GEORGE 59
202nd Trilgras flyers ESTRON 59
203rd The Dark side TREVOR 59
204th LK Vittesse 1 lnk1 59
205th The Mercurials 2019 MSM 59
206th MSM - On a Slow Road to Loserville 2019 MSM 59
207th RedDawnRacing RedDawn 59
208th How many predictions will I miss this year? RedDawn 59
209th TRC2019 davval49 59
210th Vegetable Garden kernow_rail 58
211st Tunni 2 gjones1199 58
212nd Elgin Risktakers Elgin_McQueen 58
213rd JP Racing J P 58
214th Scrabblers Maclarry 58
215th Supposedly Slower Tom 2024 58
216th Taroni_F1 Ad Taroni 58
217th C.R.A.P Champions 2018 Nick Bell 58
218th Sensi-Smile OWEN 58
219th Perez,Ricc,Willms,Red Bull (Futang=No BSing fancy names here!) Billy_no_mates 58
220th Plato's Ponies BottomBurps 58
221st Robbo's Road Rockets robbo 58
222nd Mercedes doing well is as predictable as paint drying Britastic1 58
223rd Maddog001 MaddogRacing 58
224th AlwaysLoosen2 Honeycomb 58
225th Sausage Central Timose 58
226th Marko's retro Racers markopoloman 57
227th Libratum Honda F1 bak1 57
228th Red 5 Uncle Frank 57
229th Persian Sprockets Madjax 57
230th flavored2 Rene Hoogvliet 57
231st Muchen Taxi selohmub 57
232nd Milton Milton 57
233rd Turek Bashers SpearheadF1 57
234th Calrissian Racing Phil Jupiler 57
235th Furious Freya chris 57
236th belindabeatergp belindabeatergp 57
237th Maroon Romario 56
238th Nowlsy johnnolan2000 56
239th You Bet My Haas! PenelopePitstop 56
240th Back o' the Pack Buster44 56
241st Uncle Frank Uncle Frank 56
242nd Vangeli Uncle Frank 56
243rd Dib 4 Wheels Thomas40 56
244th Onetolose mull3331 56
245th rjp racing2 RJP883 56
246th Go for it George lynne 56
247th seeing red selohmub 56
248th Adam Jago chris 56
249th Robbo's Road Rage ;) robbo 56
250th Blackpool2-Vettel Peter Latimer 56
251st Blackpool5-Leclerc Peter Latimer 56
252nd Got to go for the Brits Britastic1 56
253rd jeffs third choice jeffdettori 56
254th MAVlotus78 mk v8 56
255th Better Late Than Never! GirlFromTheGrid 56
256th FROC Areusure 55
257th SingoF1 stevesingo 55
258th Champions in waiting allan 55
259th Casey's Commanders caseys5 55
260th Zoomies ButtonUp 55
261st Sparewheel Francesv2.0 55
262nd wallslammer wallslammer 55
263rd MSM-Lewis is predictable, Sainz not so+Haas & Willms=who knows! MSM 55
264th Split Second mull3331 55
265th Witchwhey Witchwhey 55
266th team with no fin lostboy 55
267th No flat tyres jack.lander4 55
268th Lanson jonhairs 54
269th Ooh Betty! Crash 54
270th LHW-QRQ1 LHW_Flyers 54
271st tims top team tims top team 54
272nd Old Merc Boys & One Hidden Spy Raimundo Nonato 54
273rd Roydo racing Adamo 54
274th Mair money for me saucerboonie 54
275th Tim's Trumps Tim Rees 54
276th Lacks skill sets has entered the battle PinkOlay 54
277th Micheal Jackson support group LTD. PinkOlay 54
278th LewiKubiRacyAlfa BizarreIsBack 54
279th Bernard F1 Robros 54
280th Swan Speed Three Titanium 54
281st Speedy Sam B SpeedySam 54
282nd C.R.A.P Champions 2018 - 2nd Team Nick Bell 54
283rd Eatmydirtboys mark 54
284th some more cars playzooki 54
285th Tigger’s Terrors Karen 54
286th Team Jenson [just cos' the wife loves Jenson!!] Martin_Brumble 54
287th Bram's hot rods Pete (Brammers) 53
288th Superhoops TYREDOUT999 53
289th HasBeen Racing beeno 53
290th Pslater3 peter slater 53
291st Gridlock sirbobby 53
292nd Pointless Maclarry 53
293rd Poor Vettel, Leclair is making it Raimundo Nonato 53
294th Team of Hungary rm8xml 53
295th Kimi Leclerc Harri Wadham 53
296th Tim's Titans Tim Rees 53
297th The wheels are coming off 2019 davet 53
298th CharlieKimiHaasMcLaren BizarreIsBack 53
299th Clark 5L Thomas40 53
300th QC-Ham-Mag-Mc-Alf David Latimer 53
301st Init2winit Tim 53
302nd Shallow PsychoAtom 53
303rd Tunni BBS0320 52
304th I Love Dovi MS Racing 52
305th Arc of a Diver Hiro 52
306th East of Eden Hiro 52
307th Oops! Something went wrong GrandPee 52
308th Edgar beater F1 Blueraze 52
309th Guinness Geniuses Chris Godridge 52
310th Tomjerry F1 Robros 52
311st Lewis' Little Runners robbo's missus 52
312nd Honda is finally quick Silvergunner 51
313rd Ivor Driver humpf 51
314th EAHOCJEFL Razor6I 51
315th Does my helmet look big in this James Fraser 51
316th Spijk Racing ESTRON 51
317th Silver lightning Gslater 51
318th Lewis haas Kumbac to win AlexC 51
319th Four Throws Racing Oggy 51
320th Pepsi Blinston F1 Racing Team Andrew Blinston 51
321st Speedy Linz 1 linz500 50
322nd Horace's Horses BottomBurps 50
323rd A Nine Oak Razz! Madjax 50
324th Swan Speed Two Titanium 50
325th Hairpin Danh84 50
326th TinksGP3 Tinksgp 50
327th NCC-74656 BarbaricAvatar 49
328th F.A.S.T NickC 49
329th RubixKubixa mrmikescho 49
330th Classical Chasers lynne 49
331st My prediction is Lewis will do 'alright' cool_driver 49
332nd TinksGP6 Tinksgp 49
333rd Hamilton’s hamster jack.lander4 49
334th Rockwell Racers jonhairs 48
335th Green Romario 48
336th SteveSingoF1 stevesingo 48
337th Duck, He's reaching into his bag James Allen 48
338th Banana Man dougf1 48
339th flavored5 Rene Hoogvliet 48
340th The Day After Ricciardo GrahamA 48
341st Seb & Kimi (awesome) with a hopefully improved McLaren Mr T 48
342nd Radpack Brett Radford 48
343rd Broadwoodwidger jonhairs 47
344th Giovinazzi No Likea The Paparazzi Lee O 47
345th I Bottas Pull My Finger Out This Year Lee O 47
346th Crystal P Racing bluelionman 47
347th Tunni 888 Kathy 47
348th VillaVangelis@Lefkada Madjax 47
349th I'm So Sorry Man Charis 47
350th Wheelie Loosers Henessey_Venom 47
351st Bram's Frozen Rods Pete (Brammers) 46
352nd Retirement kernow_rail 46
353rd Making Compost kernow_rail 46
354th Bexley Challenge SCH Steve H 46
355th QC-Vet-Raik-H-Mc David Latimer 46
356th Ham, Kubica, Rcng P, Torro (cant be a*sed to make fancy name!) Billy_no_mates 46
357th Lakins flyers lakins flyers 46
358th Slim 47 Slim 47 46
359th Sunday Best jante 46
360th Hairbrained Danh84 46
361st Dinoco Macqueen95 46
362nd Mr Ts predictions Mr T 46
363rd LHW_QRQ2 LHW_Flyers 45
364th RedBullWilli NelsonPK 45
365th Mercedes haas it valerie 45
366th Turbo Toby casjas 45
367th Midfieldmess Raimundo Nonato 45
368th Penelope Pitstop Charis 45
369th Cameron Diaz Fan Club supermariorp 45
370th Aesgarth2 Aesgarth 45
371st Bullseye TREVOR 45
372nd Strolling along with Norris - Haas you seen that Red Bull? Billy_no_mates 45
373rd Goethe's Geldings BottomBurps 45
374th First And Last MatchstickMan 45
375th Vino collapso Janeci5 45
376th Robin Hood F1 racing team Robros 44
377th Chris is faster than you! chris 44
378th Anya’s Army chris 44
379th jeffs choice jeffdettori 44
380th Richrockets silvester 44
381st Unhooped TYREDOUT999 43
382nd Halo's are for Wimps BarbaricAvatar 43
383rd Wallbangers sirbobby 43
384th Brooom...Brooom Allstars Nikki Lada 43
385th The Grandest Prick GrandPee 43
386th So this is NASCAR? GrandPee 43
387th Norris,Leclerc,Wllms,Merc (Bazinga!=no fancy names here!) Billy_no_mates 43
388th Bexley Challenge SMB SpearheadF1 43
389th Nissan Micra Racing UK/EU handsomeh 43
390th Armie's Losers Armcheerf1fan 43
391st AeroDynamix Desperados Dom 42
392nd Jack Lappin looks like my Uncle PinkOlay 42
393rd The wheels are staying on 2019 davet 42
394th Powell F1 Robros 42
395th Thisistooeasy!!! mark 42
396th Double Dutch Dave Slater 42
397th Honey and Ice Racing AlexC 42
398th Brn-lose brn_mnk 42
399th Landers Wheels jack.lander4 42
400th ProDragons Twitch Team ProDragonfire 42
401st Predictahoop TYREDOUT999 41
402nd Qwerty mcross57 41
403rd Pierre Magnussen Harri Wadham 41
404th Pistonbroke2 Richard Price 41
405th Dark Watch Gslater 41
406th Ross-KimiDanielRacingHaas Ross McWilliam 41
407th Weller's Winners Sam Weller 41
408th team lawless jimbob 41
409th Silver Arrows ggillespieuk 40
410th racing royds Adamo 40
411st JSD Racing jazzyd 40
412nd The wheels are coming off davet 40
413rd Old Hamiltion Racing Davita 40
414th Keep on Trucking ESTRON 40
415th Wheelie Winners Henessey_Venom 40
416th Bobs bangers madbob 40
417th Monk3 brn_mnk 40
418th Goodruck Sports Fans Goodruck 40
419th Willysausage Willysausages 40
420th ryan2 pajan 39
421st Rene Arnoux's Driving School Mark Jones 39
422nd Las chupacabras Geoff K 39
423rd Donkey Kong Seyton Dennis 39
424th Tasty Tunni beeno 38
425th Andy's Aces abaird 38
426th smokin Deepak 38
427th Four sticky black circles ambroid77 38
428th Hossie’s Hotrods Karen 38
429th Hopeful Henri gjones1199 37
430th Thomasasha Davita 37
431st Magikus sirbobby 37
432nd McCormick-Honda McCormick-Honda 37
433rd Oh Er selohmub 37
434th To jerry F1 Robros 37
435th Helliwell RC davval49 37
436th Next season’s winners? allan 36
437th Logo Maclarry 36
438th Team Daisy humpf 36
439th flavored4 Rene Hoogvliet 36
440th Going to see if I can come last!! Harri Wadham 36
441st Robbo's Road Repairs " Guido it's Time " robbo 36
442nd Crusty's Rusty Star CrustySarfish 35
443rd Oranje Blur bluelionman 35
444th MAV 22 mk v8 35
445th templatewinners mark 35
446th RONstopable winning mood RedBaRON 35
447th A Star Is Born PsychoAtom 35
448th Vettel finally makes it question mark? Raimundo Nonato 34
449th Tunni 666 Kathy 34
450th The green run dougf1 34
451st MSM - Young (Verstap) & Old (Kimi) Mc for a Racing [Point] Team MSM 34
452nd Langshot Losers abaird 34
453rd MMM = Midfielders who Might be Mighty 2019 cool_driver 34
454th Armie's Winners Armcheerf1fan 34
455th Sunday Wonder Boys jonhairs 33
456th Sebcarloshassalpha BizarreIsBack 33
457th Seb don’t crash Silvergunner 33
458th Mynza Winner humpf 33
459th the wheels are coming off again davet 33
460th Ambroidians ambroid77 33
461st Hair of the dog Danh84 33
462nd Radpack 3 Brett Radford 33
463rd NeverLoosen2 Honeycomb 33
464th FireHouse Outofcontrole 33
465th Top Cat Thomas40 32
466th Bunch of Bulls. antiflow 32
467th Mums monsters chris 32
468th Lucky 7's MatchstickMan 32
469th Mayo's Flyer Lefty47 32
470th Mercedes broken again james 32
471st Cornish Follies knight errant 31
472nd Bonda selohmub 31
473rd NeverLoosen Honeycomb 31
474th Crazy Daisy MS Racing 30
475th Snupi snupi007 30
476th Aerith Dave 30
477th Stayman stayman 30
478th Merc manics Chris Lowery 30
479th hamiltonwho? James Allen 30
480th ZoomCrashSplat Matt Chinn 30
481st You have hit a wall Macqueen95 30
482nd Nicks Bells Nick Stuart Bell 30
483rd Rjp racing RJP883 30
484th AJ's Hornets justcallmeaj 30
485th Lando Norrissian Seyton Dennis 30
486th Middle of the Road SpiderMonkey 30
487th TinksGP5 Tinksgp 30
488th The Future is Bright... The Future is.. GridGirl 30
489th Monk brn_mnk 30
490th Speedy Gonzalez jack.lander4 30
491st Throw an Egg at Corbyn markopoloman 29
492nd Max and anger management Silvergunner 29
493rd Skidmark2 skidmark 29
494th Let's keep Max and Ric together Raimundo Nonato 29
495th MAV RIK mk v8 29
496th Getting the Band back together Harri Wadham 29
497th Drip Of A Tap Madjax 29
498th Kernow GB ESTRON 29
499th Macie's Mooovers ! robbo's missus 29
500th Teddywestside Danh84 29
501st TinksGP2 Tinksgp 29
502nd Burgess RC davval49 29
503rd Rule of Two sithspawn 28
504th Killer Kyvat Crashing Cars Lee O 27
505th LHW-QRP LHW_Flyers 25
506th As Travers ggillespieuk 25
507th QC-Ver-Snz-RP-Alf David Latimer 25
508th Pslater2 peter slater 24
509th Buckie minks F1 Blueraze 24
510th Travelling Hopefully lynne 24
511st jeffs second choice jeffdettori 24
512nd NelsonPK NelsonPK 23
513rd Black Path Racing TheRealJP 23
514th WinnerLot Richard Baird 23
515th MaxiKimiReniWilli BizarreIsBack 23
516th Radpack 1 Brett Radford 23
517th The Bunny Rabbits Laura ireland 23
518th R-tunez K-er 23
519th Solesingers Maclarry 22
520th Team Houseman Russell Houseman 22
521st WIZZER Lefty47 22
522nd Four day week mull3331 20
523rd Alt+F1 GrahamA 19
524th Sunday Drivers Going Round in Circles jante 19
525th Of Corsa I'm Gonna Win! Jenny Norton 19
526th Snowman OWEN 18
527th Triquetra Go! sgillespieuk 17
528th Cloud Dave 16
529th Harlow F1 Team Johnny Harlow 16
530th Andclsal Oggy 15
531st Hyperlooper!! MatchstickMan 15
532nd Bram's Multi 12 team Pete (Brammers) 0
533rd Bowlux F1 sidawson 0
534th MAV 02 mk v8 0
535th backofthegrid silvester 0
536th Monkpredict brn_mnk 0