Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix

Fantasy Formula 1 Grand Prix- 2021 Styria Grand Prix

Pos Team Name Owner Score
1st the wheels are still on 2021 davet 87
2nd RedWitch Witchwhey 83
= QC-Ver-Rai-F-AT David Latimer 83
3rd QC-Tsu-Raik-Red-F David Latimer 82
4th LHW-QRP LHW_Flyers 81
= RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 81
5th Tunni 888 gjones1199 80
= MSch-Nor-Red Bull-Willms [P] MSM 80
= Number 1? Craigsbeard 80
= Billy predicts this team will do well Billy_no_mates 80
6th I told you so! valerie 79
= flavored6 Rene Hoogvliet 79
= Vet-Ric-Alpine-Haas [L] - [aka This team makes me Haas] MSM 79
= Silver Lightning Gslater 79
= Driving back to happiness Armcheerf1fan 79
7th LHW-QRQ1 LHW_Flyers 78
= premier sur la ligne Tim 78
= QC-Ham-Raik-F-AT David Latimer 78
8th Green Romario 77
= LeclercKimiRebullAlpha Maximo McWilliam 77
= Andclasal Oggy 77
= Number 8? Craigsbeard 77
9th Fried Green Astonmatoes MatchstickMan 76
10th Yeolmbridge Woodburners jonhairs 75
= Slim 47 Slim 47 75
= RONstopable winning mood 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 75
= Blackpool5-HamTsuFerAlf Peter Latimer 75
= Blackpool6-HamSaiAlTAlf Peter Latimer 75
= Purple Mushrooms Simon Harris 75
11th Veloci come una lippa roar 74
= Strawberry Line dougf1 74
= Mair Beaters DickDastardly 74
= Not The Comfy Seat RustyBoots 74
= Golden Rivets Simon Harris 74
= Prancing Horses Dave Slater 74
= Red is the New Black RedDawn 74
12th Predictahoop TYREDOUT999 73
= Yuki Max Harri Wadham 73
= Custard Queen Witchwhey 73
= Tim's Titans Tim Rees 73
= GreatWhiteSkidMarks GREATWHITEDALE 73
= Cresent Dawn Gslater 73
= Predictable? - Your guess is as good as mine Armcheerf1fan 73
= We'll see how good my predictions are Billy_no_mates 73
13th The iffies iffies 72
= Dib 4 Wheels Thomas40 72
= HelliwellRC davval49 72
= Gives You Wings andrea 72
= Australian Authority GREATWHITEDALE 72
14th chris 2 speedychris 71
= Sharp Racing Matthew 71
= Horace Minor MS Racing 71
= RONstopable winning mood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 71
= RONstopable Racing on the Lo(o)se !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RedBaRON 71
= Vers-Gio-Ferrari-Alpha T [aka Max Attack] MSM 71
= Sai-Gio-Rd Bll-Alp T- [aka Don't count ur Hondas til they hatch] MSM 71
= Lostboy racing 2 lostboy 71
= Sergio Perez Appreciation Society Dan Abrey 71
15th SpeedyRog 1 Roger Cockerham 70
= Inch or a mile delstone 70
= Robbo's Road Rockets robbo 70
16th LHW-Prediction LHW_Flyers 69
= Denial of Fate BarbaricAvatar 69
= Lentoni strappamutande roar 69
= Haas pjpj 69
= Lady Lou spinneypj 69
= Max Gasly Harri Wadham 69
= Rouge Raiders selohmub 69
= Waiting for 22 neilsutton 69
= Bullseye TREVOR 69
= Ritavid Davita 69
= Robbo's Rogue Runners robbo 69
= Entente Cordiale GridGirl 69
17th hentiesloop3 Hentie van As 68
= The unfortunates. allan 68
= Historian Maclarry 68
= Team Rachel bak1 68
= flavored3 Rene Hoogvliet 68
= The Right Toff Racers Jax2311 68
= Ham-Gio-Ferrari-Alpha T MSM 68
= Red Roosters Simon Harris 68
= Chud 001 BizarreIsBack 68
= Gucci & Prada GridGirl 68
= The TMR Josephrevell 68
= Tortuos Trailers lynne 68
= Team Zimba humpf 68
= Wallslammer wallslammer 68
18th Piston Broke emmjaybee 67
= Geo/Hel GEORGE 67
= Peter2 peter slater 67
= Ross-KimiGaslyRedBullFerrari Ross McWilliam 67
= Black Romario 67
= Raceday Racers silverflash 67
= Blackpool4-TsuRusRedFer Peter Latimer 67
= LewGasFerrAlfa Maximo McWilliam 67
= RedDawnRacing RedDawn 67
19th Nae Mair Losing saucerboonie 66
= Blackpool2-VerRusFerAlT Peter Latimer 66
= Prostnosis PsychoAtom 66
= Wisteria in the Pits dougf1 66
= Robbo's Road Runners robbo 66
20th Bram's frozen rods Pete (Brammers) 65
= Ooh you are awful, but I like you Crash 65
= TRC2019 davval49 65
= Massive Idiots Slim 47 65
= At least mid table 2..... SpeedySam 65
= HillGP2 hettah 65
= Lydia mith (the best and I’m going to win) Perez my button 65
= Maui Maui CJJAGO 65
= Max2021 Puneeth 65
= Tigger's Terrors Karen 65
= Docjonel Racing 2 JohnNelson 65
= Chud 004 BizarreIsBack 65
= Iamevenmoreintellectul MaxMussDasSein 65
21st HAASKI LASTSKI CrustySarfish 64
= starlite5 mi99 64
= BHC Racing mull3331 64
= Rickman Beverley 64
= Tomcat Thomas40 64
= Clark 5 Thomas40 64
= Big H Uncle Frank 64
= Team Pris bak1 64
= Force India andrea 64
= Four Throws Racing Oggy 64
= Davita Davita 64
= Massa Still Sucks!!! JOHN3057 64
= Wiiings Dave Slater 64
= Robbo's Roadhogs robbo 64
= Number Eight GridGirl 64
22nd Superhoops TYREDOUT999 63
= McLaren FTW CrustySarfish 63
= Racing Line Dancing MatchstickMan 63
= Peter1 peter slater 63
= Champs 2021 Tom 2024 63
= Grey Romario 63
= A Dutchman, A Finn & Two Frenchmen went into a bar.. SPIDER 63
= Mercedes broken again james 63
= Letsseewhohasthebestcar MikeYellow 63
= Robbo's Road Runners "MERC 1" robbo 63
= Chud 002 BizarreIsBack 63
= Chud 002 BizarreIsBack 63
= Robbo's Roadblock robbo 63
23rd Mika Hakkinen BarbaricAvatar 62
= the challengers jamer 62
= Chris1 speedychris 62
= backofthegrid silvester 62
= Docjonel Racing 1 JohnNelson 62
= I spent 36m - all I got was this bunch losers! Billy_no_mates 62
= QC-Ver-Alo-AT-W David Latimer 62
24th Broadwoodwidger jonhairs 61
= Super Silvers sheila_ashcroft 61
= Team Max V mull3331 61
= Cheeky Nandos neilsutton 61
= Blackpool1-HamRusFerAlT Peter Latimer 61
= Double Dutch Dave Slater 61
= Andy's Aces abaird 61
25th Working With A Chainsaw kernow_rail 60
= jamers fastmen jamer 60
= JAMMLossers JammDiVerde 60
= Olga Beverley 60
= Valentino Beverley 60
= Ben's Team 1 Ben 60
= van Dutch Racing bluelionman 60
= Team Minty humpf 60
= Hit the Gas(ly) mrmikescho 60
= Kiwi racing team Robros 60
= Midfielders might be mighty cool_driver 60
= Brown Helmets Simon Harris 60
= Prius Of Love Racing Kris Ladner 60
= harrys3 rustyw1974 60
26th The Mad Maxness of King George MrsJones 59
= NCC-74656 BarbaricAvatar 59
= Zed Ferarri zambian4lyfe 59
= SpammySpam3xleaguewinner Steerpike 59
= Crazy Daisy MS Racing 59
= i predict 3 wheels 2021 davet 59
= WTW Racing bluelionman 59
= Lance Lando Lander jack.lander4 59
= Hot Wheel Bears starwarrior68 59
= flavored1 Rene Hoogvliet 59
= flavored5 Rene Hoogvliet 59
= The Mercurials - Prediction Team cool_driver 59
= Best of Friends Dave Slater 59
= Sunday Best jante 59
27th Allotment Woes kernow_rail 58
= Four Amigo Ferrari Pbowden74 58
= Skidmark1 skidmark 58
= the wheels are on 2021 davet 58
= HillGP hettah 58
= Banbury Blaster Madjax 58
= Winner winner Chicken Dinner jack.lander4 58
= Dream Drivers CJJAGO 58
= Red Bullish Billy_no_mates 58
= ShorehamSchumachers JEnglish 58
28th Rockwell Racers jonhairs 57
= Jenson's Hendrix Experience MS Racing 57
= At least mid table 1..... SpeedySam 57
= SpeedyRog 2 Roger Cockerham 57
= BLM Racing bluelionman 57
= Purple Patch BottomBurps 57
= Tunni is #1 Kathy 57
= Andylanjosh Davita 57
= Davith Davita 57
= Turn the enghine up to max cool_driver 57
= Alfa Romeo and Juliet Dave Slater 57
= Of Corsa I'm Gonna Win! Jenny Norton 57
= QC-Ham-Alo-AT-W David Latimer 57
29th The stars were bright, Fernando! markopoloman 56
= mercury selohmub 56
= Ben's Team 2 Ben 56
= Lando Lance Lander jack.lander4 56
= Two Bit Floosie Witchwhey 56
= Lostboy racing lostboy 56
= flavored2 Rene Hoogvliet 56
= Soapbox reserves gp tyregezzerjim 56
= Pink Trombones Simon Harris 56
= Super suzuki zoom suzuka gpf1 Super suzuki 56
= Team Tosca humpf 56
30th P 1 GridGirl 55
= One of Our Drivers is Missing kernow_rail 55
= LHW-QRQ3 LHW_Flyers 55
= Bevetton bevetton 55
= Ernie - The Fastest Milk Cart in the West Batchman 55
= Akie Romeo Dolphin_Akie 55
= Edgar’s marauders F1 team Blueraze 55
= Some ponies Jewhoo 55
= Howie’s Nightmare DickDastardly 55
= MissingRTL Hamiltonians 55
= Hungry like the Toto wolff Steve Smith 55
= Maroon Romario 55
= orange juice selohmub 55
= Tim's Trumps Tim Rees 55
= AlonRussFerrMcL Maximo McWilliam 55
= Oranje boven antiflow 55
= Meta Marvels Oggy 55
= Lewis and the hopefuls AlexC 55
= Team Houseman Russell Houseman 55
= My Friends All Drive Porsches Dave Slater 55
31st Red 5 Uncle Frank 54
= Yellow Fixers Ronald 54
= Less Likely 2021 Tom 2024 54
= Carnivorous Cabbages BottomBurps 54
= Chelsea F1 Uncle Frank 54
= Guinness Geniuses B Team Chris Godridge 54
= Al Pine Witchwhey 54
= Silver Lichen 2021 Lichen 54
= Flawed Floors neilsutton 54
= Beer Drinkers TREVOR 54
= Max’s team Daniel n 54
= U R X L N T Armcheerf1fan 54
32nd Murray's Walkers Maclarry 53
= Walker and Hunt Mark Jones 53
= Class 1C Cars mull3331 53
= Team Zara bak1 53
= Tranquility Of Solitude Madjax 53
= JT Racing jrt55555 53
= The Dark side TREVOR 53
= Globe Trotters TREVOR 53
= Kiwi F1 Robros 53
= Blackpool3-PerSchMcLWil Peter Latimer 53
= A wildcard midfielder selection Billy_no_mates 53
= QC-Tsu-Rus-Merc-Alp David Latimer 53
= HHF3 Aixsk 53
33rd Mercedes F1 pjpj 52
= A BRITISH TEAM FTW CrustySarfish 52
= Elgins Champions Elgin_McQueen 52
= Lando Perez Harri Wadham 52
= Zoom Zoom Jason Brooks 52
= Hungry like theToto wolff Steve Smith 52
= Taylor F1 jrt55555 52
= Dark Watch Gslater 52
= Hossie's Hotrods Karen 52
= Peter4 peter slater 52
= Andrew's best Guesses abaird 52
= Back up plan (Team Roy) PhillyLake 52
34th And it's Go Go Go! Desperados Dom 51
= Darkside sithspawn 51
= RG will destroy RC ;) CrustySarfish 51
= The predictables. allan 51
= GT Racing Dartmoor Falcon 51
= Trundle8 slipstreamlimmer 51
= More Likely 2021 Tom 2024 51
= PKF12021 puneeth 51
= Iamveryintellectul MaxMussDasSein 51
= Motorsport JRT jrt55555 51
= Gasbull Danh84 51
= Lando Danh84 51
= English Racing Luke English 51
35th upskirt marzipan markopoloman 50
= Spin Lewis, Spin! markopoloman 50
= Conghurst Racing Oggy 50
= Peaky's prancers BurleyBear 50
= GP BEARS starwarrior68 50
= Bernies Retirement Fund 2021 neilsutton 50
= FrenchCarsFailFast AlpineIan 50
= Hamilton Moans Again Daniel n 50
= Classical Chasers lynne 50
36th Stihl Chainsaws jonhairs 49
= And yet again . . . MrsJones 49
= Tyred out! valerie 49
= Hirst Hybrids John Taylor 49
= Markos' Retro Racers markopoloman 49
= There's nothing wrong with the car except it's on fire Pete (Brammers) 49
= Rackham Maclarry 49
= rjp racing RJP883 49
= rjp racing2 RJP883 49
= Burley's bodgers BurleyBear 49
= Mair winning saucerboonie 49
= It's goodnight from me and it’s goodnight from him Crash 49
= SLO-AS-F linz500 49
= Just In Case 2021 Tom 2024 49
= Schrödinger's Cats BottomBurps 49
= Stroll in the Park Killermancarro 49
= A Nine Oak Razz Madjax 49
= Persian Sprockets Madjax 49
= Lewis Badminton jack.lander4 49
= Yellow Belters Simon Harris 49
= Fast and Furious Juggarnaut1 49
= Roger Albert Clark in November dougf1 49
= RIP Murray - forever in our hearts & ears Armcheerf1fan 49
= Chezzas Chariots Grundy Racing 49
37th Hopewell Hazard TYREDOUT999 48
= CrystalBall F1 pjpj 48
= Bah! Hambag. MatchstickMan 48
= Turbo Tobias casjas 48
= Bikes Are Better MS Racing 48
= Frances# Francey 48
= Godders’ gamble goddersgamble 48
= Team Houseman 2 Russell Houseman 48
38th Crew 3 kernow_rail 47
= Dangerous Occupation kernow_rail 47
= Stayman stayman 47
= Elgins Losers Elgin_McQueen 47
= One Thousand Odd Horsepower Of Grunt MatchstickMan 47
= Peter3 peter slater 47
= Monda selohmub 47
39th Norfolk & Chance GCorser1 46
= Ross-KimiGeorgeAstonMcLaren Ross McWilliam 46
= Mad Greek Uncle Frank 46
= The Waitrose Wagon jack.lander4 46
= Betatauri MaddieFringe 46
= Strolling backwards + is it as Haas as it seems? cool_driver 46
= Chud 005 BizarreIsBack 46
40th Bram's hot rods Pete (Brammers) 45
= Lance Stroll stans unite OllyInwards 45
= Pierre Hamilton Harri Wadham 45
= pistonbrokeagain pistonbrokeagain 45
= Mairs nightmare F1 team Blueraze 45
= LoopyLoo linz500 45
= Mega Racing Pension top up 45
= San Miguel and a dry white wine CJJAGO 45
= Go! Go! Go! AlexC 45
= Runningman Runningman 45
41st Family champs? valerie 44
= JAMMWinners JammDiVerde 44
= The understateds allan 44
= Geo+Hel GEORGE 44
= Zoom JaneW 44
= Uncle Frank Uncle Frank 44
= Flight of the Valteri Killermancarro 44
= SingoFWannabes stevesingo 44
= Robin Hood racing team Robros 44
= No more GP2 engines in this team Armcheerf1fan 44
= If all else fails . . oh it just did! Armcheerf1fan 44
= G’s dream team Grundy Racing 44
= Team Jackie humpf 44
42nd Speedychris speedychris 43
= Ripp Bull ripp 43
= Hey! Give Me Gloves and Steering Wheel! alpesh26 43
= Schumi and Alonso are still driving?! PhillyLake 43
43rd Mudhogs sirbobby 42
= Powell F1 Robros 42
= Team Henry humpf 42
44th LHW-QRQ2 LHW_Flyers 41
= the fast men jamer 41
= trumpton f1 trumpton f1 41
= Tunni 666 gjones1199 41
= Chocolate Fireguards spinneypj 41
= TurraCoo Gasmanie 41
= Drip of a Tap Madjax 41
= Where's Porsche? Neil Hughes 41
= I Monza Brink of Insanity Ken English 41
45th Top of the Pops Uncle Frank 40
= Hoping Ferrari have a better season! Billy_no_mates 40
46th SoapboxGP tyregezzerjim 39
= Ashman's Speedy Racers cool_andy 39
= VillaVangelis@Lefkada Madjax 39
= No Farke'in Way Matt Kett 39
= Goat Danh84 39
= Elliot’s Entrepreneurs Bethan_C 39
= Travelling Hopefully lynne 39
47th Mudpies sirbobby 38
= BurgessRC davval49 38
= Team Toffee humpf 38
= All stars CJJAGO 38
= Langshot Losers abaird 38
= Clan Racing Grundy Racing 38
= Saracen F1 Bedsbiker 38
48th Elgins Midtablers Elgin_McQueen 37
= Ragnar Racing Andy Hodge 37
= The Mercurials cool_driver 37
= Mans racing Nickm10247 37
49th The Black Pearl BarbaricAvatar 36
= Blowhards BottomBurps 36
= Flying Falcons Lee Pearce 36
50th Lanson jonhairs 35
= also rans jamer 35
= Zed Ferarri Team B zambian4lyfe 35
= Superbru A Team Ronald 35
= Str-Sai-McLaren-Alpha R[ [L]- [aka On a Slow Road to Loserville] MSM 35
51st Team Greakin Decani_alto 34
= Red Devils Michael_Ashcroft 34
= Geo-Hel GEORGE 34
= Give Me Gloves and Steering Wheel alpesh26 34
= McCormick-Mercedes Neil McCormick 34
= Fast and furious 2 Juggarnaut1 34
52nd JSD RACING jazzyd 32
= Mudbaths sirbobby 32
= the wheels are off 2021 davet 32
= BOGS down dougf1 32
= Papaya pirate Danh84 32
= Wheelie Winners Henessey_Venom 32
= Winners!! lynne 32
53rd flavored4 Rene Hoogvliet 31
= want to win Tim2007 31
54th Bottas 27.0 - still rubbish. CrustySarfish 30
= Reindeer Maclarry 30
55th hentiesloop2 Hentie van As 29
= Chud 003 BizarreIsBack 29
56th Sunday Wonder Boys jonhairs 28
= Cornish Follies knight errant 28
= Mudskippers sirbobby 28
= Rene Arnoux, allez! Mark Jones 28
= NovaF1 Gasmanie 28
= Money-Penny Danh84 28
57th Black Start (not) Neil Hughes 27
= Sunday Drivers Going Round in Circles jante 27
58th Elgins Underdogs Elgin_McQueen 26
= Two old timer drivers & two classic teams cool_driver 26
59th SoapboxGP2 tyregezzerjim 23
= Danny Alonso Harri Wadham 23
= Tunni is #2 Kathy 23
60th Aesgarth wtw Aesgarth 22
61st Top up Pension top up 15
62nd Wheelie Loosers Henessey_Venom 6
63rd Bram's multi-1-2-3 team Pete (Brammers) 0
= on top jamer 0
= hentiesloop4 Hentie van As 0
= Twenty-One Or Bust MatchstickMan 0
= PFQ Racing teeder 0
= DeffordTom's racers DeffordTom 0